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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UVA chapter.
“Witchy Winds”

I love it when the wind transforms from a quiet whistle in the summer to a fierce whoosh in the fall. The winds are stronger and cooler. When hiking along a trail covered with fallen foliage, the sound that the leaves make when the wind blows past is wonderful; it feels as if something mystical or supernatural is due to happen soon. Whenever I’m walking outside during twilight, the winds make everything seem especially spooky.

Pumpkins on Door Steps

Seeing multiple pumpkins perched on top of doorsteps just brightens my day. For most houses in my neighborhood, it adds a welcome pop of color. If the pumpkin is carved, all the better! I love elaborate pumpkin designs because they cast interesting shadows when lit within by a candle. Pumpkins are wonderful in October, but as all seasonal trends go, the moment the calendar flips to November they must all go to compost.

Hot Apple Cider

If you are tired of hot cocoa, try heating up some apple cider. I like my cider just normal, but you can add cinnamon, honey, cloves, or whatever you want to it. Heating up some cider will really bring about the fall mood on top of being delicious! 

Fingerless Gloves

These gloves are so fun to wear during the fall partially because there is no other season more optimal. They are too hot for the summer, and too cold for the winter. You could wear them in the spring, but the more rain-heavy weather will probably make them a hassle to dry. My favorite fingerless gloves are the knitted kind; they may not necessarily be the most functional, but from an appearance standpoint they look the best. 

Reading Indoors

With the weather turning cooler, I find myself more and more drawn to staying at home with a good book. I don’t really go for the spooky, Halloween genres very much; I usually find myself attempting to read a biography with way too many pages that Amazon recommended to my account. Currently, I’m making my way through Ron Chernow’s Grant

I am a second year student at UVA. I love books, black tea, and bananas.
Shirley is a fourth year at the University of Virginia. She loves coffee, books, and plants. She also hopes that you'll enjoy her articles!