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Marie Trent Holden ‘16

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UVA chapter.

Year: 3th

Major: Kinesiology

Hometown: Charlottesville, Va


In this week’s edition of Campus Celebrity meet Marie Trent Holden, but everyone just calls her Trent. While taking on a big role in her sorority and playing club lacrosse, Trent still finds time to give back to her community and ace challenging Kinesiology classes. Learn more about how she manages it all in this week’s edition of Campus Celebrity!

What are you involved in around grounds?

Here on grounds I am a member of the women’s club lacrosse team and I am also a member of the Delta gamma sorority.

Why are you involved with this/these organization(s)? How do they add to your experience at UVA?

Having played sports in HS I knew that I always wanted to continue playing in college, and so I decided to try out for the club lacrosse team the first semester of my first year and have loved it! It has been the perfect mixture of fun and a good competitive atmosphere.  Both of my parents and older brother were in Greek organizations, so I always knew I wanted to rush in college and ended up joining Delta Gamma. It has been an amazing experience, it has allowed me to meet so many new people, and has also enabled me to form friendships I know will last for a long time. I have also been lucky enough to hold a variety of positions within DG that have made my experiences even more meaningful. This past year, I was a director for recruitment, the head of intramurals and a member of the honor board.

What inspired you to choose the major(s) that you did?

I always knew that I wanted to pursue a career in which I could work with athletes, so I initially thought that I would like to work in orthopedics, so I chose Kinesiology.  The Kinesiology major here is great and I have found all of my classes very interesting. However over the past couple of years I have realized that I would rather be on the administrative side of sports, so hopefully after I graduate I will go to grad school for Sports Management/ Administration.

What is your favorite thing to do during your free time?

One of my favorite things I have been able to do over the past three years is coach HS Basketball and Volleyball at my Alma Mater St. Anne’s Belfield. Currently I am the head middle school lacrosse coach, which is especially fun because I get to coach my little sister Piper.  In my spare time I love to hang out and relax with my friends.  I also enjoy going to various sporting events, concerts and philanthropies around grounds.

Something people don’t know about you?

I was born in Belgium and lived in England until the age of 14 before moving to the United States. I also have 5 dogs! 

Rapid Fire Questions

Favorite show? I just started watching House of Cards and love it!

Celebrity crush? Liam Hemsworth

Favorite class you’ve taken at UVA? Probably Emergency Medical Care. I found it very interesting.

Vanilla or Chocolate? Chocolate

Favorite food? Peanut Butter 

Favorite movie? That’s a hard one I like a lot! But my younger siblings and I love She’s the Man, we’ve probably watched it 15 times.

Favorite place on grounds? The lawn, or Clark

Block party or Foxfield? Foxfields 

Student-athlete at the University of Virginia, that loves journalism!
Katrina Margolis graduated from the University of Virginia with a degree in English and Film. She served as the senior editor of HC UVA for two and a half years. She is currently an assistant editor for The Tab. Wahoowa!