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How to Survive Valentine’s Day After a Breakup

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UVA chapter.

The most lovable time of the year is right around the corner. Flowers, hearts and chocolates line every store shelf and red and pink decorations are inescapable. To some, it’s the greatest time of the year; however, to others, life just isn’t that simple. I have to tell you, it is hard enough being single during Valentine’s Day, but it is definitely harder to be recently single on Valentine’s Day. Why? Because life took an unexpected turn on you. A couple of weeks ago, you couldn’t imagine yourself alone on this day. In fact, quite the opposite, you were dreaming of the surprises you would receive. Now, you are just sitting next to a tissue box trying to adapt to the single lifestyle.

Nevertheless, no one wants you spending time suffering on a day that could honestly pass as any other! Here are a few tips on how to spend Valentine´s Day as a newly single woman.

1. Go out with your friends and forget about everything. This may seem like a really basic solution, the first one you think of when you break up with someone you love. However, it turns out to be a pretty great option! When you are with your friends, you tend to forget all about your issues and just have fun, and after a breakup, that is really all that you need. There is one big disclaimer though: go out with friends that are single just like you, that way you won’t be reminded of the couple-y stuff that goes on during this day.



2. Treat it as a regular day. Try not making a big deal out of it! Treat February 14tth  as just another day. Do your chores, keep up with your work, and do the same things you would be doing if it were February 15th  or May 9th . I know it is easier said than done, but Valentine’s Day will only be an important day if you make it one.



3. Stay busy. The less time you have to think about it, the less time you will have to worry about it. Since you’ve unfortunately realized ahead of time that Valentine’s Day will be a snowstorm of worries, make sure you keep it booked so that you have no time whatsoever to do exactly that! It might not sound appealing, but a great option is catching up on work!



4. Turn it into your day. Treat yourself today more than any normal day! If you aren’t going to be able to receive gifts from that so called “significant other”, might as well treat yourself to some goodies as a celebration of the single life. Buy yourself some chocolate, bake some goodies and catch up on that Netflix show you’ve been meaning to watch.



5. Go on a hike. Physical exercise always helps the body when it wants to suffer because producing “happy” hormones helps your system decompress. In the moment, you will be so busy following the trail that you won’t have time to think, and afterwards, the long run will put you to bed in no time!

So, there you have it, there is no reason whatsoever to suffer. Yeah, life surprised you, but aren’t surprises what make life worthwhile? Don’t wait anymore and just start having fun!

"Dont set yourself on fire, to keep others from getting warm." -UnknownSecond Year Psyhcology Student at the University of Virginia. Wahoowa!