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How to Recharge During Spring Break

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UVA chapter.

With midterms upon us it is not uncommon to be stressed out. Trying to balance studying for tests, writing papers and attempting to get sleep after drinking coffee all day is not an easy feat for anyone. But lucky for us, in a week it will all be over because spring break is around the corner.

While many use spring break to escape from the frigid Virginia weather to warmer places, I want to give everyone a word of advice; make sure you take some time for you.

While hanging out with friends and getting time away from school may seem like a break in itself, it is not uncommon to come back even more exhausted if you do not purposely set time aside for you to rest and relax.

Here I have complied a list of activities that you can do to make sure you come back from spring break fully charged and ready to finish off the year.


I’m no neat freak, but there is something about sitting in a clean space that is relaxing. I’m not saying you have to scrub the floors of your room with a toothbrush, but make sure things are in order and have their place. It will clear your mind and allow you to focus on other things outside of your day-to-day thoughts.

Spa Day

If you are anything like myself, during the school year you are so busy taking care of school work, joining clubs and hanging out with friends that you forget to keep up with your own well being. Do your nails, try out a new hairstyle, and invest in the high-end makeup product you have been eyeing since Christmas. Taking care of you isn’t selfish it’s necessary.


Take some time to reflect on your semester thus far. Has it been going well? Has it gone poorly? Then figure out why and set a few goals to help you get back on track or stay on track. You will come back to school ready to kill it in the classroom and still have time for social fun.

Just Chill

Living in a society where people are always on the move you can get a false sense of productivity. You don’t have to be moving a million miles an hour to be doing something productive. Sometimes all you need is to sit back for a moment and relax. Allow yourself to be board; allow your mind to wander into new thoughts and ideas. By doing so you may even surprise yourself on what you are inspired to do afterwards.

All in all, make sure you take time for yourself this spring break. While warm weather and beaches are fun, it is important to realize that your health and sanity are just as important.

Student-athlete at the University of Virginia, that loves journalism!
Katrina Margolis graduated from the University of Virginia with a degree in English and Film. She served as the senior editor of HC UVA for two and a half years. She is currently an assistant editor for The Tab. Wahoowa!