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7 Benefits to Leaving Your Comfort Zone

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UVA chapter.

When faced with new experiences, a lot of people back away from the unknown of it all. But there are actually a lot of amazing benefits from testing new things!

1)   Health: There have been multiple studies seeking the healthy advantages of putting yourself out there. One of the main features is that your confidence can shoot up. Along with confidence, self-esteem can benefit from this as well.  Seeing yourself in a better light, helps with your mental health in 1000 different ways. A happy you is a better you.

2)   Social skills: Putting yourself in these new situations leads to you having to utilize your inner social butterfly. Meeting new people, adapting to a new surrounding, etc. can be scary but the vital thing to remember is that everyone starts feeling that way! It’s important to look past that feeling of nervousness and to push forward. Think of how much being social can help you with future job interviews, work skills, etc.  

3)   Routine: Breaking your routine is so important. It creates diversity in your life, and leads to a lot less boredom. While it’s important to not put too much on your plate, you should still rotate new activities in every once in a while. Your life will have more flare to it if you add new hobbies!

4)   Challenge: Learning a new language or taking up a new sport can seem hard but it’s good for your mind. Allowing for these challenges to come into your life helps you in the long run. You’ll have quicker reflexes when it comes to problem solving and complicated situations.

5)   Growth: Have you ever heard anyone say they’ve learned from an activity they’ve completed 100 times over and over again? Exactly. Trying new things leads to gaining more knowledge. There’s a lot in this world to learn from- so why not try more in order to learn more! It also helps with personal growth, pushing yourself helps you develop as well.

6)   Discovery: “Don’t knock it till you try it”. That should be everyone’s motto. How do you know you don’t love to do yoga? Or Sudoku? Try it. Then come back to me.

7)   Memories: Okay so maybe you’re not a future Yogi, but how great will the story be when you tell everyone you fell flat on your yoga mat? It’s so important for you to do all of these things. Life is a great big scrapbook, and don’t you want your book to be full of pictures?


Smile, it makes you live longer! 
Katrina Margolis graduated from the University of Virginia with a degree in English and Film. She served as the senior editor of HC UVA for two and a half years. She is currently an assistant editor for The Tab. Wahoowa!