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5 Things to Remember During Finals

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UVA chapter.

The time has finally come that everybody has dreaded since August 22: finals week. Whether you have 1 final exam or 5, it is impossible to avoid the stress. However, check out these tips to reduce stress and study effectively. 

1.     Make a schedule and stick to it.

It’s one thing to plan out a study schedule, but sticking to it is usually very hard. Use a planner, print a calendar from the Internet, or simply use sticky notes to write goals and a plan for the day. 

2.     Study a little bit each day.

It’s not going to do you any good to pull an all-nighter studying before a final. You’ll be tired and won’t retain the information. Break up the information to allow yourself an easier workload each day. 

3.     Figure out how you learn best.

If you don’t already know how you process information most effectively, try taking this Buzzfeed quiz. It may help you become aware of what will help you retain information. 

4.     Take breaks.

Studying for hours and hours on end is not going to be fun or efficient. Take short breaks to do things that make you happy. You can exercise, watch a short episode of Netflix, or just scroll through social media for a few minutes. 

5.     Remember to take care of yourself. 

This may be the most important thing to remember. Make sure to eat solid meals each day, not just snacks. It will help you focus and retain information. Similarly, don’t forget to sleep! Our bodies need sleep to refresh and stay on top of things. 

Good luck on finals, and remember to treat yourself when you’re done! 

My name is Nora and I'm a first year at UVA. I'm undecided in my major but it will most likely be something politics related. I really love swimming and UVA! WAHOOWA!