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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UVA chapter.

I hate to be the one to remind you, but finals are here and the effects have already sunk in around grounds. Exams and papers are currently the star subjects of any small talk you may come across, and the amount of caffeine circulating around grounds is probably mildly concerning. And if you are wondering where your friends have disappeared to these days, they are likely in the depths of the cold library, slowly dying of excessive studying like so many others.  During these tough times, making the promise of “study breaks” can feel like you are creating little beacons of hope to help get you through it all.  But study breaks are not just some popular tool of procrastination. Effective study breaks have actually been shown to improve study performance by increasing focus, reducing stress, and helping students better retain information. It is recommended to take a 10-15 minute break from studying every 90 minutes or so. Here are some ideas for effective study breaks during finals, so you can return to studying feeling refreshed and ready to go!

1.     Take a walk.

It doesn’t matter for how long – just go outside and get some fresh air! The weather is usually beautiful during this time of the year which makes some outdoor time that much more enjoyable.  It also helps to get your body moving for a bit after all that time cramped up studying.

(photo courtesy of pexels.com

2.     Clean/Organize.

Warning: do not use this as a means of procrastination. Believe me, I’ve been there and done that. But it can actually be super relaxing and fulfilling to tidy up a bit during a study break. Not only will you move around and get your blood flowing, but you will also return to studying already feeling more accomplished.

3.     Take a shower.

Okay, so this one might sound odd but hear me out. Have you ever taken a shower and felt totally refreshed and relaxed when you got out? That is the feeling we are trying to replicate here. Taking a shower can help you relax and revitalize your body and mind, making it easier and more productive to begin studying again.

4.     Get some coffee or lunch with a friend.

Chances are, we are all in need of more caffeine during this time, and long periods of studying can seriously make a person hungry. So get out and grab some coffee or a meal with a friend. Plus, the socialization will help to relax you and get your mind off of studying for some time.

(photo courtesy of pexels.com

5.     Watch a short YouTube video.

Okay, so I am pretty hesitant to put this one up here since it is all too easy to get sucked into the continuous cycle of online videos. So just try to limit these to short videos and don’t stay online for more than your allotted study break time. The point is, funny or inspiring online videos can take your mind off of studying for a few moments and really do wonders to improve your mood! (photo courtesy of pexels.com


(thumbnail photo courtesy of pexels.com