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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UTSA chapter.

Sometimes, we feel broken, down, or lonely all because of one person. Heartbreak comes in all forms and varies on all different levels. You could have your heart completely torn apart, or it could just be a small tear, either way, it still matters. 

I believe in totally falling for someone or geeking over someone special. But this is an imperfect world, and that geeky feeling can vanish. Further, if it vanishes on you instead of you vanishing it, it can hurt. I don’t care how long that geeky feeling lasted; it still can hurt. But that hurt is not meant to last. 

Most of you know the saying, “you do you” or how I like to put it, “you do you boo.” No man or woman is worth an ocean full of tears. Something else I believe in is picking yourself back up and moving forward. It is impossible to move forward when you keep looking back on old text messages, photos, etc. Now, that is not to say that it is not okay to cry. 

Go ahead, cry for a bit, and get the tears out, reflect on it all but only for a bit. It is okay to feel things; we’re human after all. But once you finish, PICK YOURSELF UP. Remember your worth and who you are! Even though you may not have that special person to talk to all the time or that person you were getting to know anymore, you can still do you.  

Get to know yourself some more, talk with your friends and rant to them if you need to. Talk to someone who knows what you are going through. Please remember, there are other fish in the sea like Nemo (corny I know). You will stop crying and hurting. Go and love yourself for a while and geek over cute puppies instead.

Hi, I'm Natalie and am a junior at UTSA! Born and raised in San Antonio, I basically live at La Cantera mall. Catch me writing, reading or laughing too much!