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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UTSA chapter.

Just like most college student, I have to have my phone on me at all times. Whether that be going to the bathroom, running a quick errand, or just sitting around doing homework. I have to admit, deleting my social media was a very hard thing for me to do and took me several months before I actually pulled the plug. But once it was done, it was sort of like a sigh of relief.



As much as I loved looking at certain peoples pictures or browsing funny memes, I knew I was spending way too much time scrolling through my phone. There was a time last summer that I was just getting bothered looking at everyone’s cringey relationships, annoying rants, and fake flexes. Now I know that they obviously have the right to post whatever they want but after I thought about it, there really was no point keeping in contact (aka just liking each other’s posts) of people who I wasn’t even friends with anymore. I’m not saying that I don’t keep up with my friends but I’ve realized although I deleted almost all my social media, I still talk regularly with those I am very close with.


I also came to the realization that I was on my phone ALL THE TIME. I know that it’s not a big deal because we all know everyone does it but it really bothered me how attached I was to my phone. It was basically my lifeline like my mom would say every time she saw me on it. I noticed myself going on Instagram walking to class, during class, even laying in bed for hours at night and in the morning━time that I could have spent studying for my classes or just getting a little more sleep.



It’s been almost a year since I deleted my Instagram and Twitter and although at times I kinda miss it, I realize I was just looking at pictures and posts of people who I’m not friends with anymore or just people I didn’t know at all. Overall, I know that after reading this, most people still won’t permanently delete their accounts but I still think it’s a good thing to think about. Maybe log out of your apps when you have a lot of work to do or need to study and don’t have time for distractions. We don’t always have to have our eyes glued to our phones 24/7.

Howdy! I'm Cassie and currently a senior studying Environmental Science getting little sleep throughout the semester. I love spending time with my dog, taking naps when I have time, and hiking the beautiful outdoors:)
Lauren is currently a senior at UTSA who is obsessed with anything involving music and pop culture. She is one of the Campus Correspondents for HC UTSA, and is in charge of social media and editing. You can catch her traveling across the country for concerts, eating Whataburger fries, or constantly scrolling through her social media feeds.