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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UTSA chapter.

So, what even is a pink tax? According to writer and editor, Jessica Wakemen, “Gender-based pricing, also known as the pink tax, is an upcharge on products traditionally intended for women which have only cosmetic differences from comparable products traditionally intended for men.” Basically, it’s not a tax in the traditional definition of the government taking a percentage of the purchase. 

Why are companies doing this? Simply put, to make more money. Companies package their products in pretty pink packages or make it smell “girly” so that it appeals to women. The Pink Tax is most noticeable when it comes to personal care products such as razors, skin care products, and hair care products. Two packs of razors could be completely identical except one is colored pink or purple while the other is blue or black, and therefore more expensive.

“If barbecue sunflower seeds are tax-exempt (in Indiana), then feminine hygiene products should be, too”

-Weiss-Wolf, author of Periods Gone Public: Taking A Stand for Menstrual Equity

How do we fight it? The easiest way would be to stop buying a pink product if you can find it’s “male” counterpart for cheaper. Economic boycotts are an amazingly effective way to make change because at the end of the day, all these companies care about is making money. Another way to make your voice heard is to leave your Congress member a message! You can find your specific Congress member HERE. Together, we can fight this ridiculous marketing tactic.

Hi, I'm Bailey! I'm a sophomore at UTSA, majoring in Communications with a Public Relations focus. On my page you'll find many articles ranging from environmental issues to feminism to how to throw the best girl's weekend trip!