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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UTSA chapter.


September 1, 2017.


Sure, it’s only 12:17 a.m., but it’s not like I was going to be able to sleep any time sooner. I’m too busy focusing on the fact that today is the day I’ve waited for — the adventure of a lifetime. Later, I’ll be getting on a plane to Madrid, Spain for the entire semester and I have never felt more open and excited for a massive change. This experience could not have come at a better time in my personal life or college career. I love UTSA and all of my friends and family, but I have been craving some sort of life-adjustment. I just want to be submerged and surrounded by something extraordinary, something foreign, something unforgettable. I’m beyond confident that I’ll come out of this trip a more self-aware collegiate woman with a greater global point of view. Summer was fun and memorable, but now that those months are history, I’m prepared to get to know myself in an entirely different way. I can’t express how eager I am to witness another continent on the map that I have never stepped foot on prior to this weekend. Not only that, but I love studying different cultures, hence my major in International Relations. What better a way to explore and learn about the world than to travel across it and live like an authentic Spaniard for a semester?



My roommates have already sent me pictures and Snapchats of our apartment in the city and it’s beautiful. I can’t contain my excitement to arrive and meet them. Just thinking about the places I am going to visit over the next few months and the variety of cultures and traditions I will encounter is enough for me not to catch a wink of sleep until I’m back for Christmas. My best friend is also going to be in Madrid this semester with me, and I have a few friends who will be studying abroad in other cities around Europe as well, so I’d say “I’m excited to study abroad” would be the official understatement of the year.



This moment is too surreal. I have been planning for this day for nearly a year. It has consisted of going to Houston to get my visa, making several trips to the bank to get a travel card or order Euros, attending the study abroad fair on campus, applying to my program online, and booking my flight. That part is all over and finished. I can no longer wait and the time is now. Don’t get me wrong, I love this country immensely, but like anything or anyone, it has its good and bad qualities. The United States has played a huge part in pushing me to be who I am today, seeing as my family and I are immigrants here. I am not only grateful to be an American citizen now, but I am proud. I’ve been here for twenty consecutive years so your girl’s ready to jet. Literally.




My luggage took about as long to zip up as my ‘errands for Madrid’ to-do list did to officially be completed, but now that it has been taken care of, I think I’ll finish making my playlists for the flight since I still can’t seem to find a way to fall asleep.



Nine hours to London, a layover, and a couple more hours to Madrid.

Get ready Spain. Here I come.


PS: HerCampus UTSA has given me the opportunity to blog for them this semester on my study abroad journey so that I can report back to roadrunner country from Europe, so I’ll be writing every couple of weeks about what I’m doing and what I’m learning. I’m so honored and glad to be able to do this since I love to write and they seem like a phenomenal organization on campus and nationwide.

So, follow along if you want, as #AsofTakesMadrid !