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Frankie Gonzales-Wolfe for San Antonio City Council

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UTSA chapter.

After the 2018 midterm elections, America’s House of Representatives was met with plenty of new and diverse faces. In 2019, this wave continues on a more local level. Frankie Gonzales-Wolfe is currently the second transgender woman to run for city council in San Antonio, Texas. If she wins, she will be the first transgender person to hold public office in Texas. This election takes place in May so I would like to highlight the policies, life, and experience of City Council hopeful Frankie Gonzales-Wolfe. (Luckily, I have seen her speak this past Saturday at an event and have gained even more insight into her struggles as a transgender female politician and how she powerfully overcomes these struggles).


Most of Frankie’s previous political career has been spent working hard as a campaign worker for politicians such as Hillary Clinton’s husband and, later, Hillary herself. Quite understandably, her personal journey into politics is focused on representation and progress for the LGBT community. Hopefully, she will be able to fulfill this goal by winning a City Council seat in District 8. From what I can see, Frankie is most definitely on the grind as far as fundraising for her campaign goes, most likely her history as a volunteer has helped her with this task, but after hearing her speak I’ve learned so much more about her as a woman and as a candidate.


From the moment she began speaking one thing was clear: Frankie is not shy, and she knows it. Conversation is so easy with her, and even though she talks a lot you find yourself intently listening and wishing for more words. Her words were powerful and sent the message that her goal as councilwoman is to make sure that everyone is represented and that everyone has a seat at the table. Frankie believes that America looks like her (and me, and you, and her diverse — and hilarious — campaign team) and that this diversity should be reflected in every part of government. Frankie meant every word she said and talked to us as if we were truly peers, though I have to admit I was a little starstruck and intimidated. Frankie ended her powerful discussion with a reminder that every woman should be unafraid to speak up and pursue their passions, repeating what she had said a few times during her time speaking to us: we need more women running for office.


Although I do not live in Frankie’s district (but you can believe she’d have my vote if I did) I do attend a school in her district, UTSA, and intend on donating either my funds or my time to her campaign. Frankie is depending on the support and vote (I repeat: VOTE) of UTSA students  to help her create history and improve the district she grew up in. I call upon my classmates to look into this candidate and get out there and believe, work and (again, please, this is the most important one) vote!

Currently: running to class Later: running for office
Lauren is currently a senior at UTSA who is obsessed with anything involving music and pop culture. She is one of the Campus Correspondents for HC UTSA, and is in charge of social media and editing. You can catch her traveling across the country for concerts, eating Whataburger fries, or constantly scrolling through her social media feeds.