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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UTSA chapter.

My whole life I have been shy. Since getting a job and becoming more active on campus, I have grown out of this slightly. However, I was still nervous when I went to the march. I am nervous when I table. I am nervous at every lobby day that I attend, and do not tell family members that it is in fact a lobby day. It is hard for me to be what is considered a true activist. My friends, who I admire so much, have “activist” in their bios. In times during which I’ve been tempted to do the same I stop myself; I don’t stage protests, I don’t begin movements, I am too afraid to use my voice as loudly as I am able to. Surely, I am not an activist. Certainly not in the way that they are. I have decided that too many authority figures like me for this to be anything but true.

I have to employ my own brand of activism: turning the gatekeeping of politics and academics on their sides and using it to uplift others and change from within. While I don’t receive direct criticism for this line of thought, I am not blind. I see people I admire, true activists, sharing tweets with the sentiment that to join the system that you dislike is unhelpful. I agree… if you’re joining a system with the intention of upholding the problematic status quo. While I don’t have the courage to be a traditional (awesome, radical) activist — and shouldn’t feel any pressure to if I feel that my own anxieties overpower that — I am going to graduate. I am going to go to law school. I am going to use the system to defend people who have not received the same opportunities. I am going to run for a judgeship (yes, in my red state) and add fairness to the way current justices (you know, all those old white conservative men!) interpret the constitution. I can alter the way that document is amended by potentially running for other offices and helping to create and pass bills (yes, I understand that this is nowhere near as easy as I am making it sound).

When I feel like I am doing so little now I think about the future. I am not one of those amazing young women already making waves while in school. Right now I am the status quo so that I can later change it. It is discouraging, but it is what I can do. I am more than just the activist’s friend.

Currently: running to class Later: running for office
Lauren is currently a senior at UTSA who is obsessed with anything involving music and pop culture. She is one of the Campus Correspondents for HC UTSA, and is in charge of social media and editing. You can catch her traveling across the country for concerts, eating Whataburger fries, or constantly scrolling through her social media feeds.