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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UTRGV chapter.

Of course everyone wants to feel loved on Valentine’s Day, but does there have to be one day set aside to get your loved one a special something, or should you have the freedom to buy them whatever they want whenever they want it on any day?

I use to want something on Valentine’s Day because that is the norm. I remember back at Hanna High School when the office was full of red balloons, huge teddy bears and dozens of chocolates in heart shaped boxes. I thought the huge teddy bears were a bit much, and would just end up in the back of a closet eventually so I didn’t see the point of wanting one. I mean, they were cute and all, but I don’t think that is what I would’ve wanted. It was thoughtful that the guys would get their girlfriends cute things on Valentine’s Day, but I felt bad for the people that didn’t have a significant other.

I would see them walk the hallways with their hands empty, and a frown on their face. I am sure they wished they could have gotten a little something, even if it was just a Hershey’s chocolate kiss.

Even though it feels good to get something on Valentines, my boyfriend opened my eyes, and made me look at Valentine’s Day through a whole other perspective. He told me that he wasn’t going to get me anything for Valentine’s because he believes that he can buy me things, and show me he loves me all the other 364 days of the year. He doesn’t feel the pressure or the need to have to buy me something on Valentines just because that is what everyone else is doing.

At first, I didn’t agree with him, but now I do. He’s right. We should show our loved ones that we love them every day of the year, not only on one day.

So remember ladies and gentlemen, let’s show our significant other that we truly love them each and every day by showing our love and affection. Let’s not follow the world and have to have a holiday to show the special person we love how much they mean to us.

UTRGV Class of 2018  Mass Comm Major Mexican-American Studies Minor