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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UTM chapter.

When I first came to college, I wasn’t a communications major. I was a special education major. For some reason, after my first semester, I knew I had to change my major. I didn’t know what it needed to be. I knew it had to change. There wasn’t anything wrong with special education; it just wasn’t for me.

I became a communications major because I did speech and acting in high school. I figured that if I could use my talents anywhere, it would be communications. I met the chair of the department, a kind man who led me through my registration process. That was the day before classes started.

My first day in the department, I met a lot of amazing people. I knew right away that I was where I needed to be. My friends that I met this day are people I still talk to. I met a professor that helped me get an on-campus job at the radio station on campus. That first semester, I worked at the daycare on campus. That kept me busy. I had plenty of time to do my assignments, though, along with going to the gym and attending extracurricular activities.

When I started my second year, I started an internship to learn the news business at the radio station. As the News Director at the radio, I stay very busy. I go to work every day at 8 a.m., work 12 hours a week and produce a show every week. Most days, I am busy from 8 a.m. until 4 p.m. I also teach yoga classes, so I’m not making it easy on myself.

Being a communications major is busy. If I just took classes and didn’t stay involved, it would be an easy life. I’d have projects every few weeks. I’d do my homework and readings. Keeping my 4.0 would be no problem. In my experience, building your resume with a good, but not perfect, GPA is more important. When I graduate, I’ll have three years of major-specific work experience, regardless of my GPA.

Some people say that being a communications major is easy. In the words of my professor, “Being a communications major is only easy if you’re doing it wrong.”

I love being a communications major. The classes are interesting, the professors are fun and my classmates are incredibly creative. Communications allows me a lot of potential career options, and I know that’s what I need. If you don’t know what you’re majoring in, give communications a chance.


I am a sophomore broadcast communications major and theatre minor at the University of Tennessee at Martin. When I’m not in class or participating in events on campus, I spend my time reading, doing yoga, working out, or petting my cats.
I am a pre-vet major who loves to laugh (especially at myself), drink coffee, and spend time with my dog, Cora. I moved from Massachusetts to Tennessee to attend college at UTM and compete for their division 1 rifle team.