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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Utica chapter.



I used to be really into yoga about two years ago and have just recently begun taking classes again. I can’t believe I stopped doing yoga for so long, as it truly is a beneficial practice for both the body and the mind. It’s a great way to destress while increasing your strength and flexibility for people of all ages. 


The majority of us feel stressed out very often, and in today’s society, it often feels like we are always busy and never have time for a break. Yoga can be an outlet for taking a break from the chaos of the world, and relieve stress that most of us have. In yoga, you become mindful of your body and your breathing, which can allow you to forget about the business of your week or stress you may have. Yoga also increases one’s strength and flexibility and allows you to fully stretch all areas of the body, which is something we often neglect to do.


Working out is something I enjoy doing every day, as a way to both destress as well as work towards my fitness goals. For the most part, I do weight training for my workouts, but yoga is a great way to switch it up and to stretch out my muscles. I love starting my day with yoga as it truly refreshes my mind and allows me to sink into the practice without thinking about anything that may be bothering me. Yoga can be incorporated in the routine of individuals of all ages as there are classes of different levels of intensity and ways to modify the poses to fit one’s own body. So if you are looking for a way to both destress as well as increase strength and flexibility, yoga may be just what your mind and your body needs!




•Not quite sure what I want to do when I “grow up” yet, but I’m enjoying the road to that destination. I know I want to help others in whatever career I choose. Whether that be in the psychology field, nutrition or fitness field , I know what I’m passionate about just on a quest to find what fits that mold for me. •My voice being heard and hearing the voices of others is something very important to me. •Being outdoors and enjoying all seasons is my go to.