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Orange Theory Workouts to Do on your Own

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Utica chapter.

This summer I joined the gym, Orange Theory. Orange Theory runs group personal training workouts based on High Intensity Interval Training, usually called HIIT for short. These workouts blend cardiovascular and strength training. While working out, you wear a heart monitor either around your waist or on your arm for the duration of the workout, and try to work your body to remain in the “orange zone.” Your heart rate is constantly displayed on a board so that you can check it throughout class. When in the “orange zone” for 12 minutes or more, it means that you will be burning calories for the next 36 hours. While the workouts are great, the classes can be very expensive and memberships are very pricey. If you’d like to experience what it’s like to workout and reach the “orange zone,” here are some workouts you can do at your own gym with the Orange Theory twist!

Workout 1

Block 1:

Tredmill 4 mins

Run at base pace – 1 min

Push pace – 1 min

Recover – 30 sec

All out for 1 min

Recover – 30 sec

Block 2:

Rower – 4 mins

Push pace row – 1 min

Squat jumps – 10 reps

(repeat for 4 mins)

Block 3:

Strength – 4 mins

Weighted squats – 10 reps

Alternating weighted reverse lunges – 20 reps

Scissor crunches – 20 total

(repeat for 4 mins)

Repeat blocks 1 & 2 then move to block 4

Block 4

Weighted Bench step ups – 10 reps per leg

Goblet squat 10 reps

Bicycle crunches – 20 total

(repeat for 4 mins)

Cool down & stretch 

Workout 2


Sets of 30/20/10 Reps

Shoulder Press

Bicep Curls

Body Weight Squat Jumps

Overhead Tricep Extensions

Plank Jacks


Run 1 mile

Walking recovery – 1 min

Run .25 mile at push pace

Walking recovery – 30 sec

Run .25 mile at push pace

Walking recovery – 30 sec


Row 1000 meters

Reverse Lunge with rotation – 15 per leg

Row 750 meters

Reverse Lunge with rotation – 12 per leg

Row 500 meters

Reverse Lunge with rotation – 10 per leg

Cool down & stretch 

Workout 3

Treadmill & Rower:

Run 2 mins at push pace

Row 30 sec all out

10 squat jumps

Repeat 30 sec row

Repeat 10 squat jumps

Run 2 mins at push pace


Bench Press (heavy) 5 reps

10 push ups

20 plank jacks

(repeat for 4 mins)


Run 2 mins at push pace

Run 1 min at base pace

Run 90 sec at push pace

Run 1 min at base pace

Run 1 min at push pace

Run 1 min at base pace

Run 1 min at push pace

Run 30 sec at all out pace

1 min walking recovery 

Cool down & stretch 


I hope these workouts help give you the motivation you need to start off the semester strong not only in the classroom, but in the gym. Please take care of your body, it’s the only one were given!!!!


PR Girl Enjoying life ? Instagram @madisonjudge