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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Utica chapter.

So many times I have looked in the mirror and felt as though I wanted to improve some aspect of my appearance. I tend to always think that the only thing people will notice about me is how I look to them. So I strive to make myself look the most appealing. Recently, I have noticed that not only do I want to look healthy, but I want to be healthy.


The best way to describe this is by describing the term “balance”, in relation to what I am striving for. In order to achieve balance with health you must include all aspects of health. So, that means mental, emotional, physical, social and spiritual. If one of these is off balance, all of the others are going to have to struggle to maintain themselves as well. For example, if you don’t express very healthy emotions toward others, then they may not like you very much. As a result, you won’t have very many friends. This could begin to cause difficulties in all other aspects of your health as a result.

I think balance is really important for all of us not only to strive for, but for us to be able to recognize it in others as well as ourselves. If you suspect that someone is having trouble in one of the areas of health, then realizing how the other aspects of health involve themselves can help us help them as well. There are many times in the past where I was suffering from anxiety, that seemingly was taking over every one of my thoughts. It would have been useful for me to be able to step back and realize that it was stemming from my emotional health, as well as my social health.

I am personally working toward being the best that I can be. Finding this balance and being aware of how it affects all aspects of mental health is very important when trying to help others, and yourself.



(n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.google.com/search?rlz=1C1GCEA_enUS818US818&biw=1600&bih=789&… of health mental physical spiritual social and emotional&oq=domains of health mental physical spiritual social and emotional&gs_l=img.3…61218.94354..94886…7.0..0.165.3238.53j1……1….1..gws-wiz-img…….0j0i30j0i5i30.fPE6a8G1Ad8#imgrc=AMFdNveS2E1zKM:

SC Stresses On Proper Implementation of Mental Health Act [Read Judgment]. (2016, December 12). Retrieved from https://www.livelaw.in/sc-stresses-proper-implementation-mental-health-act/


Hello everybody, my name is Stephanie. I am currently a Sophomore at Utica college. I am a nursing major and I am on the track and field team. I spend almost all my free time either in the library or practicing for track. I really enjoy having the opportunity to share pieces of me with you guys through the means of writing. Enjoy!
Meet Bianca, I am currently a Junior at Utica College in Utica, NY.  I am a Criminal Justice major with a concentration in Homeland Security.  Crime investigation has always been something that interests me.  I’m dedicated and passionate and it’s hard for me to quit things. I get that from my father so don’t hold it against me- he was a veteran and police officer for 20 years.   Growing up in a family centered around law enforcement has helped guide me in this direction, and I will forever be grateful.  After graduation I intend to continue on to law school where I can further my education in hopes of becoming a criminal defense lawyer and later on a District Attorney.  An interesting fact about myself is that I found the passion to be a criminal defense lawyer from watching the O.J. Simpson case.  The facts and conspiracy theories evoked a whole new passion behind criminal investigation that I intend to use in my future.  One of my most prominent moments in my writing career was when I wrote for an online magazine and had my most prevalent article hit 1.6k shares.  I believe in treating people with the same kind of respect and manners you would expect in return, and in a way it has helped shaped my expectations in life.   When you first meet me I won’t be the loudest in the room or the center of attention, but I will be intently listening to everything you say, for what you have to say may have a purpose. I believe in purpose. I believe that everyone is here to help you grow into who you are today and who you will be tomorrow.