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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Utica chapter.



I know, we have all felt it, you’re bored. When Upstate NY shut down I really had to think of creative, fun new things to do! Here are some of the unique and not utterly eye-rolling things to do while in Quarantine!

Pick Up a New Hobby!

Of course, I had to put this one! Everyone (essential or not) had at least SOME free time during this pandemic! Pick up a new hobby, do some research on what really interests you! I picked up reading again, currently, I am on “The Outsider” by Stephan King. However, I am also looking into embroidery, research on crystals, and even painting!

Go on Adventures!

Quarantine is the PERFECT excuse to go outside and try something new! I love to kayak and hike – but one thing I have always wanted to try was PADDLEBOARDING! So, my boyfriend found a place that was open and cheap that we could try it while being socially distant from others! I had a blast! But that’s only one example, you could also find a new place to explore (my favorite ALWAYS have waterfalls!) or wake up early and find a pretty sunset and paint it! There are so many fun things that you can do without spending money or being around too many people!

Focus on Self Care

During the pandemic, you really have some extra time alone which can cause some self-reflection! This is so great, especially in such a critical year like 2020. Journaling, focusing on yourself, and restoring your energy is crucial to keeping up with everything that is going on, not only in your life but also in the world! You can practice self-care by doing some yoga (or just some stretches in your bed), journaling, and also by eating right and exercising!



The world is so much bigger than shopping, bowling, and going to the movies! Explore, learn, create and grow! Keep a happy outlook, we can only go up from here. Let me know if you tried any of these tips and if they worked for you!


With love, 


Hi! :) I'm Carin! I am a psych major, I love lemonade, and my dog is my bff. I am passionate about writing, being kind, and manifesting love! Happy reading! xoxo