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Pursuing Health & Fitness As A Woman

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UTD chapter.

For decades, the fitness industry has been a male-dominated area. When people think of
the gym, they often think of men with giant muscles and protein shakes. For years, women have
been fed the idea that if they go to the gym and do anything other than cardio, they will get bulky
and look “manly.” Some people have even spread the notion that working out isn’t “ladylike.”

In 2024, the times have changed. Now, many women, such as myself, have turned to the gym
as a place for exercise, community, and fun. Female fitness influencers such as Whitney Simmons
have flooded social media platforms, posting content that is aimed at encouraging women to go
into their local gyms and pick up the free weights, not just get on the treadmill. Simmons posts
workout plans and ideas for women to use, especially because going into a gym for the first time
(whether you are a man or a woman) can be very intimidating. Simmons also gives a positive
perspective to women struggling with body image issues in the gym, filming herself genuinely and
documenting her struggles with body image, encouraging women that social media is fake and that
everyone has off days.

Working at a gym myself, I get to help women coming in to give weightlifting a try. Part
of why I love my job as much as I do is that I get to encourage these women to take up space within
such a male-dominated area. Despite positive strides being made for women in the gym, the work
is not yet done. Being a woman in the gym, both as an employee and a gym-goer, has come with
its fair share of catcalling. Despite the issues that come with it, women joining the gym is such a
positive thing for our society. The fitness community is truly for everyone, and I am proud to be a
part of a culture that supports that.

Hi! I'm Grace, and I am the Creative Director of our chapter of Her Campus. I am a senior, political science major here at UTD. I'm a member of John Marshall Pre-Law Society as well as Women Pursuing Law. I'm also a captain of the mock trial team. After graduation, I plan on attending law school to become a criminal defense attorney!