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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Utah chapter.

We’ve all been through the same irritating situation. You’re having a regular day, happen to spot an article of clothing on someone, and you make the jump: where did you get THAT? It’s simple curiosity that has brought forth the question – the desire for something beautiful to add to your closet. It’s a question that’s simple and innocent enough,  you’d think it wouldn’t be such a big deal. However, for some, they act like you just asked for ground-breaking top-secret information.

Asking somebody where they got their cute jacket seems simple enough, right? Yet, nearly every time the question is asked, it seems that you have just asked for their social security number, for a copy of their DNA, and for their first unborn child. It’s rare that a girl turns to you, smiling, and quickly names off the store. Instead, most girls’ cheeks turn a light pink, and they quickly scatter their brains for a random name before stating two of the most obvious lies. 

“I don’t remember” is basically a slap in the face. Let’s be honest – who is buying enough clothes, and in such speed that you aren’t remembering where you’re buying your clothes from? You aren’t a fashion blogger, sister. And if you were, I wouldn’t have to ask you where you got your clothes from – because you’d already be telling me or trying to sell it to me with your discount code. 

The second response to which people are quick to jump to is thrifting. Buying from thrift shops, while it has risen it popularity, still isn’t where people are getting the majority of their clothing. It’s ridiculous to even make that assumption when businesses that practice fast fashion are doing nothing but booming. Attempting to state that you got a cashmere Ralph Lauren from the thrift store is almost hilarious – especially when you live somewhere like Salt Lake City, Lexington, or Boise. While it is probable, it’s very unlikely that that were the case. 

I’ve never understood why a lot of women are so quick to jump to those answers. What is the damage in telling a stranger that you got that jacket from Urban Outfitters? Or those jeans from American Eagle?

And for that reason, I thank the quiet women who turn to strangers when asked about a piece of clothing and answer honestly – even if the truth is that it was a gift. It’s much easier to show kindness and honesty when asked, versus scrambling for a dishonest answer. Sharing the excitement of clothing is something that I believe has always brought us together. You might even make a new friend and find something to chat about – whether that be a brand that you both love, a designer that makes your brain work incredibly hard, or simply the sharing of fun stores to shop at. 

Another thing that bothers me to the core is when people lie about where they got their clothing. Not for the purpose of keeping the style or specific product away from others, but in order to claim their outfit more expensive than the truth. Girls, be proud of where you got your clothes. Whether that be a thrift shop that has amazing deals or a high-end luxury store. It’s nothing to be ashamed of. Fashion is meant for us to enjoy, to empower us. It’s definitely not to tear us apart and shy us away from each other and our reality. 

We know you didn’t thrift that sweater, because we were all dying over it a week ago in Urban, Tiffany. Stop lying to us all, and just be honest. 

Photo Sources: 1, 2, 3



Her Campus Utah Chapter Contributor