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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Utah chapter.

If you’re like me, you have a million different interests. There are so many fields of work out there and when you enter college you’re expected to choose just one to focus on for the rest of your life. This can be so exciting, but also so limiting. I went through so many possibilities in my head before choosing my current major. Here’s a few ways to narrow down exactly what you want to major in.

Think about the everyday

When looking at career options, we often just think about the big picture. We don’t always think about the practical day to day duties of the job. Try to get some information on what exactly the hours of a typical job in this field are, what kind of environment you might work in, and the usual tasks associated with the career.

What sparks your joy?

While money is an important factor in choosing a career and major, what’s more important is being fulfilled by what you’re doing. You want to spend your life doing something that brings you joy, so try to seek out those passions.

Take a variety of classes

If you’ve declared your major as undecided or are considering changing majors, something that can be very helpful is taking some classes in different subjects and seeing how you feel about the material. You might just find a new passion for a subject that you had never thought about before.

Overall, it can be overwhelming to choose an area of study when there is a such large amount of choices. But at the end of the day, you have to go with your gut and choose something that has classes and topics that actually interest you, or else you will be miserable having to complete so many courses that bore you. Try not to put too much pressure on yourself to make the “correct” choice, because getting a degree, regardless of what you study, is a huge accomplishment and puts you ahead.

Hey i'm Camille! I'm a sophomore at The U studying social work. Before I moved to school I lived in northern California. I love the beach, the mountains, and writing!!