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Nafisa Masud, New HC Utah Editor!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Utah chapter.


Next semester, a new editor of HC Utah will be taking over! I will be sad to leave you, readers, but have loved all the work I’ve done this past semester. Now, meet our new editor-in-chief, Nafisa!

Year/major: Sophomore, currently undeclared but looking into English or the health sciences with minors in creative writing and Spanish

What are you most excited about for next semester? Being the editor of this fine publication! I’m excited to take classes that intrigue me and meet weird people. They always have the best stories. 

What plans do you have for HC Utah? I’d just like for women at the U to be able to turn to HC Utah when they’re looking for advice specifically tailored to them. If one day someone came up to me on campus and told me one of the articles on Her Campus Utah helped her with a problem or brought awareness to a topic that resonated with her, that’s my reward. 

What other writing or journalism experience do you have? I wrote for my high school newspaper, and for a community newsletter that lasted about six months before we realized only like four people took the time to read it. (I only mention that last one when I’m really trying to impress people). I also write for The Daily Utah Chronicle, our college newspaper. 

Why are you so passionate about writing? Writing has always been like therapy to me. I’m not a dramatic or confrontational person so when I have a problem, I write about it. There are so many incredible things happening in the world and when I write about them, I get to experience them for just a moment. It literally feels like magic sometimes.

When did you begin to love writing? I started writing poetry when I was eight, and I was always writing fantasy stories because I was a giant Harry Potter geek. I kept writing in my free time until I started high school, and this fall I decided to get back into the things I loved. I started writing again, and here I am. 

What do you think will be the toughest part about running HC? The easiest? I’m scared of people’s expectations. I don’t like letting people down. I’m a little worried about the workload ’cause I’m not the best when it comes to time management. But, regardless of however many things I have on my plate, I somehow manage to get everything done. I’m chronically sleep deprived as a result, but it’s so worth it.

What are looking forward to this break? First order of business? A three-day-long nap. Once my hibernation’s over, I’d like to find out if gyms still exist so I can join one, teach some yoga classes, and catch up with people I haven’t been able to make much time for recently.

Jetta is a fun and spunky communication student at the University of Utah. She has a lot of energy and an outgoing personality- perfect for her work in service coordination, peer advising, the Department of Communication, Express, and of course HerCampus! Jetta loves social media, writing, and learning new promotion and advertising skills. She does not currently drive a Jetta, but hopefully she can afford one upon completion of her degree!