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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Utah chapter.

And just like that, in the blink of an eye, summer is over. We’re back to the time of year that is filled with exciting reunions, new beginnings, and also, if we’re being completely honest here, a fair share of mental breakdowns.

This year is my last first day of school and y’all, I’m freaking out. All of a sudden I have to figure out what I want to do, where I want to go, and all of these unknown questions that come with being a senior in college. On top of this, I studied abroad over the summer so I had to adjust to the college environment again. So, naturally, going back to school came with a good bit of apprehension.

When I start to get anxious about stuff like this, it’s super easy for me to head down a black hole of what-ifs and negativity. So, to prevent this (or pull myself out of it), I usually resort to a few strategies that I thought might be helpful to share. Whether you’re an incoming freshman, or a senior like me, these are all things that can help take your mind off of your back-to-school anxiety.

1. Re-do your wardrobe.

This is my go-to therapy, and admittedly, it’s a little dangerous. However, I’ve found a good way to do it: online shopping. I go to my favorite websites and put everything I like in a cart, which naturally means that my cart ends up being about 30 items. Then, over the next couple of days, whenever I need a little pick-me-up I go back and sort through the cart, so that after a few days, it’s narrowed down to a reasonable amount. One of the reasons I so highly recommend giving your closet a face-lift is that I always feel more confident in a cute outfit. I don’t dress cute to impress a single person other than myself, but I feel like style can really do wonders for your confidence.

2. Spend time with your friends.

This should go without saying, but soak up every last bit of free time you have before it’s gone! More specifically, if there are people you know you won’t see as much once the year starts, spend as much time with them as you can. Personally, I know I’ll be seeing my ballet friends all day, every day for the next year, but I won’t be seeing my other friends and neighbors as much. So, the past few weeks we’ve been inseparable, doing things like game nights and bonfires, and making memories that will undoubtedly last.

3. Treat yourself.

This is a really common theme for me, but I continue to stand by it wholeheartedly. If I’m feeling a little down, or like I need a pick-me-up, you best believe I’m going to take 10 minutes and $4 out of my day to buy myself coffee. Something as small as that can really turn your mood around.

4. Read inspirational books.

I tend to stay away from the term “self-help” books, because I think sometimes it has a weird connotation, but in reality, that’s what these are. Most recently, I read You Are A Badass, by Jen Sincero, and Girl, Wash Your Face by Rachel Hollis. Both of these books have something different to offer, and both really helped me change my mindset. When I find myself feeling negative, particularly about the upcoming school year, I’ll try to refer back to what these authors have to say, and that helps me get a grasp on things.

It’s important to find your groove, and figure out what gets you excited about life. It’s often the little things that can perk us up when we need it, so I suggest you start trying out as many things as you can! Here’s to an exciting and successful school year! hcxo <3

Photo Source: 1, 2, 3, 4

Ellie is a junior at the University of Utah double majoring in Ballet and Strategic Communications. In addition to Her Campus, she is also a member of It's On Us. She loves to travel, is a big fan of all things fashion, and has an unhealthy obsession with cute coffee shops. You can find her (and her blog) on Instagram @ellie.bresler
Her Campus Utah Chapter Contributor