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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Utah chapter.
Preparation is said to be the key to success. It decreases stress and increases productivity. But, being prepared for the start of a semester is more difficult than you would expect. Is it even possible to be prepared? Upon potential failure of adequate preparedness, we turn to coping mechanisms. With my extensive research and experience, I’ve found an equal amount of ways to be prepared AND cope with said ‘start of the semester’.
Preparation: Register for classes all after 9 am.
Coping Mechanism: Cry because 9 am is still too early…
Preparation: Buy pencils and pens.
Coping Mechanism: Buy dry shampoo too.
Preparation: Meal prep for quick and healthy food options.
Coping Mechanism: Locate your nearest establishment that specializes in pizza delivery.
Preparation: Buy notebooks and binders.
Coping Mechanism: instead spend your money on a second can of dry shampoo, guarantee you’ll use it more.
Preparation: Never forget your charger and headphones.
Coping Mechanism: Cry when you forget your charger and headphones.
Preparation: Bring a water bottle to stay hydrated.
Coping Mechanism: Drink an assortment of liquids. You know, for variety…
Preparation: Buy new school clothes so you look like a bomb ass b*tch.
Coping Mechanism: Still wear sweats to class everyday.
Preparation: Don’t forget your coat!
Coping Mechanism: Wear between 2 and 5 million coats.
Preparation: Ask around for friends selling their old textbooks cheaper because every penny you save is one more penny into your Starbucks fund!
Coping Mechanism: drink cheap coffee and invest in the full version of Spotify with all that extra loot.
Look, you only cried twice today – Congrats! You’re probably beating the rest of us in that category. Gook luck with the semester that is nearly impossible to stay motivated in due to spring break planning and summer dreaming. We will see you in the Lib this week, as we’ll all be vowing to be a dedicated student this semester. Although, I can’t speak for next week.
Her Campus Utah Chapter Contributor