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How To Call Out “Sick”

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Utah chapter.

Calling out “sick” or “playing hooky” is something we all do, or have done at some point in our lives. Whether you’ve had a fun night out leading to a rough morning, or just need a mental health day, calling out is occasionally vital. However, most of us have been doing it wrong this whole time. Calling out sick is an art form, and it must not be abused, but performed justly.

To begin, you shouldn’t be calling out anywhere frequently because that’s just unprofessional, so plan ahead. Make sure that if you missed that day of work that you, wouldn’t be royally screwed. It is always better to play it safe and not have your boss completely despise you. When calling out, you want to make sure you have a foolproof excuse, in which there is absolutely no way that you would be able to come into work. I always believe it is a good idea to get creative with your alabi and think outside the box. Some excuses include: pinkeye, flooded apartment, sick hamster, really whatever really hits close to home or you think your employer would buy. One ethical suggestion I have would be to not fib about something that is critical and severe.

Once you have the day off, enjoy the day recovering or doing activities that you enjoy, but do not document them on social media. There’s no worse feeling in explaining to your coworkers that you are caught in a web of lies and you didn’t want to come in. As much as you might love to post a “hooky selfie” on Snapchat, don’t. That is just proof you are a big fat liar, and it’s not time to come to terms with that.  

Everyone does it. Everyone plays the “sick” card, we’ve been practicing this routine since we were in elementary school. It doesn’t mean it ends when you’re an adult.  It is natural and okay to feel like you need a personal day and using juvenile excuses you once used as a 7 year old is acceptable. Hopefully these tips ease your feelings and help you better prep for your next “sick” day!

Her Campus Utah Chapter Contributor