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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Utah chapter.

Every year, Students for Choice puts together Sex Week for the students at the University of Utah. According to Students for Choice member Grace Mason, it goes without saying that sex is extremely stigmatized. However, Sex Week provides a safe, open space to ask even the “silliest” questions about sex, and get real answers without feeling judged or ridiculed. “Odds are, most students at the U come from places where they didn’t receive sex ed. From my work as a peer educator, I found out that most of my senior class didn’t know how to correctly put on a condom. I also learned that students are generally curious to know real, true information about sex ed, pleasure, contraceptive methods, and relationship safety. At Sex Week, everyone is welcome at the table,” says Mason.

Whether you have had sex or not, and regardless of your sexual identity, the organizers of Sex Week are committed to including everyone, and creating a sphere where everyone can ask their questions without shame. “I love Sex Week because it is open, honest and fun,” says Mason, who also works as a Student Research Assistant with the Family Planning Division of the OB/GYN Department here at the University of Utah.

This year’s Sex Week also includes a free drawing for a year’s worth free contraception or a sex toy! And besides, even if you’re not curious about sex, it’s a great way to stock up on free condoms before Valentine’s Day.

Sex Week 2018 features keynote speaker Priscilla Dorcas, founder of Latina Rebels, an Instagram account dedicated to exploring the identity intersections faced by the Latinx community as part of a journey to self-empowerment.

Alli Milne is a very loud, very sarcastic and very old soul that was put into the body of a very out-of-shape librarian that looks great in a sweater. Seriously. She never met a sweater she didn't like. She is obsessed with autumn and also books. Oh, she also goes to the University of Utah. It has bad coffee.