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Four Things You Should Do If You’re Overwhelmed This Semester

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Utah chapter.

It is the middle of the spring semester, and let’s be honest, we are feeling SO overwhelmed. Midterms are coming up, our work schedules are busier than ever, and we feel as though we are drowning in our own schedules. This has been hard for not only me but also my peers, and I am sure it is no different for the Her Campus family. If this is you in any way, shape, or form, you are not alone. While your schedule may be crowded, there are some simple tweaks that you can make to your routine and lifestyle that might take away just a little bit of the pressure you are feeling. 

Monica Stressed

1. Realize that this is normal

Mindset is everything. The hardest thing for me personally was realizing that feeling overworked is normal during this time in anybody’s life. Once I really let the idea that it was okay to feel rushed and busy sink in, I gained a more positive outlook on the things I was doing. A positive attitude can make the difference, and it is important to work on your outlook of things, no matter how small of a task that may seem. 


2. Sleep

This is also SO simple but I believe that it is more important than any of us could imagine. I was skeptical of those who said going to bed early changed their attitude towards their schedule, so I put their theory to the test, and the outcomes were amazing! Not only did I wake up feeling more well-rested than before, but I also felt more ready to take on the heavy schedule of the day. It is easy to forget that your body, mind, and soul need sleep to function. After trying out a new routine of going to bed at a reasonable time, I couldn’t agree more. 


3. Plan ahead

I don’t know if this is just me, but I tend to stress out about the little things. When will I have time to eat? Is there enough gas in my car to get to work? Do I have a change of clothes for class after my work shift? These questions loom in my head all day and get in the way of my productivity. Stop sweating the small stuff and pack a lunch the night before, lay out your clothes before bed, fill up your tank before heading home for the day. Simple tasks that can seem SO annoying after you have had a long day, but they will ultimately help you be better prepared and less worrisome in the days to come. 


4. Don’t be afraid to seek help

Asking for help can be super scary, but it shouldn’t be! Our universities have so many resources available to help us manage our workload and get it done easily. I have linked the University of Utah Student Services page here for any Utes that might the extra support this semester – or any semester really! This page has options for everyone, so go take a look to see what resource fits you the best!


We all have our own tips for surviving our busy schedules, and these are a few that have been super successful for me. Try these out, create new ones of your own, and slay this semester. You’ve got this!

Ariana Blow Kiss

Mya is majoring in Strategic Communication and is the current President of Her Campus Utah. She enjoys movies, road trips, writing and having dinner parties with her best friends. Her favorite things to write about are fashion, beauty and lifestyle.
Her Campus Utah Chapter Contributor