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Expectations vs. Reality of a Hookup

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Utah chapter.

It’s the weekend and you feel like going out into the word and enjoying life. We’re young and in the prime of our life! Everything is possible, doors of opportunity just waiting to be opened. It’s that time of the semester where school is getting hard, you have midterms, quizzes, projects in general you are busy. Not only is school the only thing running your life but you have work, family, friends, extracurricular activities you have a full plate, but like everyone else in the world you deserve a break to have some fun, however it depends on you. The way you feel that night, your mood and ultimately if you are going out because you want to or because you need to, there is a difference between the two, where sometimes as the quote goes “ too much of good thing can be too much of a bad thing.” Let’s not lie, our generation lives in the hookup/dating culture, but in the end some of us actually want to invest in a relationship, and that is nothing to be ashamed of, but if you meet someone cute that night, you’re dancing, laughing, drinking and having a good time and in the back of your head think that it could lead to something more, I am not saying you are wrong to think that thought, but do not set your expectations high on that, because at the end of the night your perceptive on what could unfold is different from what the other person’s perceptive is. In short, don’t think that what happens is going to result in the same ending as Emma Stone in Crazy, Stupid, Love because we are in the real world, there is no script that will tell you what to expect it is all up to you just don’t forget you are human, mistakes and mishaps will happen and that’s just life.

The Beginning.

Expectation: It’s just a night out, a time to have fun and enjoy myself.

Reality: Yes, it is a night of fun, but it also depends on the mood you’re in as well as what that night entails, for example when you put alcohol and rage of hormones together it usually leads to uncertain expectations.

The Meeting.

Expectation: Instant attraction, you like the person you see across the room and bets are they see you and like what they see.

Reality: Yeah, they see you and maybe think you are cute, but don’t expect them to walk over and say it. Sometimes it takes a little more courage just to go up and introduce themselves.

The Conversation.

Expectation: Wow, we have so much in common, why haven’t I met or seen them before?

Reality: They’re just a person that could have the potential of being something more, but they’re just there for the “now and here” momentum.

Calling It A Night.

Expectation: We really connected; I assume they are going to invite me over or I can invite myself over…

Reality: Never assume that there is an invite to stay the night and don’t set expectations that anything will come about that night, literally anything goes so just go with the flow.

After Hookup.

Expectation: Last night was fun, maybe I can stick around, we can have breakfast together maybe schedule for an actual date.

Reality: Last night was a night that had the purpose of being fun if there was a hookup that was just a bonus. Don’t expect them to feel sometime of lasting connection, sometimes sex is just sex. As far as lingering around and wanting breakfast, feel out the situation and know that if they are interested in you they will try to contact you.

The Wait.

Expectation: They are going to call or text me soon, it has only been a couple of days, they are probably busy they will have some free time soon.

Reality: One of my favorite movies He’s Just Not That into You sums this up perfectly, “if a guy wants to be with a girl, he will make it happen, no matter what.” If they haven’t called, texted or tried in any way to contact you, just leave it be, you want someone who will put the time and effort to be with you so do not mope around for someone who obviously is not worth your thoughts and didn’t realize you are a jewel with so much to offer, they’re lost girlfriend.

The Why?!

Expectation: I just don’t understand how you can be connecting with someone, having a good time, enjoying each other’s company and then go to strangers, to go to nada, it can’t be over.

Reality: Sometimes things are just not meant to be, life is holding them back because someone better is on their way. Just be optimistic that it’s not you it’s them, yeah I know over repetitive quote but it true, you have so much going on in your life, you do not need someone holding you back, you want someone for the ride not to watch on the sideline.

The Now What?

Expectation: Now what? I am never going to find someone I can connect with so easily. I mean everything could not have gone better that night.

Reality: You are right, that night was great because you were enjoying yourself and having a good time. Remember that you are your priority, your health and well-being is the most important thing. So maybe your potential suitor fell through so what, remember you are a queen, there are still places to see and people to meet and the best is yet to come.

Her Campus Utah Chapter Contributor