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Don’t Lie to Yourself , Buy These 10 Items for Dorm Life

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Utah chapter.

Living in the dorms can bring out both the best and the worst in us all. On one hand, it’s a great way to meet friends that are usually just a few steps away after a long day of class and homework. On the other hand, it’s a great way to become lazy/cheap about what items you actually need to survive your first year of adulthood.

The fact of the matter is that between the thousands of college packing lists there ARE few easy-to-forget gems you actually need in your dorm room. So before you find yourself face-palming over forgetting to buy an umbrella, stock up on the following ten essentials.


1. Band-Aids

You know you’ll need them at the most inconvenient time, yet somehow it seems like you’ll make it through the year scratch-free. Take my word for it. Just buy the f*cking box of Band-Aids.

2. Umbrella

You never needed one in high school., so you never got rained on back home, so you don’t mind walking in the rain. You’re lying to yourself. Buy a goddamned umbrella.

3. Water Bottle

You are never, ever going to want to continue buying the Costco packages of reusable water bottles like your mom used to. Not only are they bad for the environment, but you likely no longer have the funds. Splurge on the Hydroflask instead.

4. Electric Blanket

No, these aren’t just for 80-year-olds. Come November, you are going to LOVE yourself for splurging on an electric blanket. Trust me on this one.5.

5. Brita Filter

Never lie to yourself about liking tap water so much you can’t buy a $20 Brita filter. ‘Nuff said.

6. Extra Charger

You might be the person who thinks that they only need one phone charger (this is actually me IRL, but that’s not important), but you need an extra charger in case of an emergency…don’t be cheap on this one.

7. Microwave Popcorn

Nothing is more infuriating  than when my roommates and I sit down to watch a movie, and can’t seem to find that bag of microwavable popcorn we could have sworn we had in the pantry. Don’t screw yourself over. Suck it up and buy the 24-pack of melted butter Orville Redenbacher’s now.

8. Heating Pad

Okay, another one that’s not just for 80-year-olds. Good for stomach-aches, cramps, and just generally feeling sh*tty, a heating pad will solve a myriad of health woes.


9. Instant Mac & Cheese

You’re never going to follow that meticulous online guide you found for eating healthy in the dining hall. You’re also going to get real sick of the dining hall food real fast. Be smart now. Buy instant mac and cheese.

10. Slippers

Dorm floors are cold. And gross. And when you have to let a friend into your room at 1 AM, you are NOT going to want to take the time to lace up your Chuck Taylors. You know the drill…buy slippers now.

Living in the dorms can be some of the most fun you’ll have throughout your college experience, and, thanks to these ten items, you’ll be ready for every moment. Have a great school year, collegiettes!

Sources: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11

With a double major in Political Science and Economics, Allyson hopes to become either a lawyer or a professor of political science after she finishes her degree at the U. Her hobbies include shopping for clothing she cannot afford and working out without breaking a sweat. She is an avid lover of podcasts, and always appreciates recommendations. 
Her Campus Utah Chapter Contributor