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Dear Hillary: Thanking a Candidate Who Inspires Millions

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Utah chapter.

Dear Hillary,

Although we may not have been victorious in this election, you have inspired tens of millions of people around this country, including me. You have handled this campaign with class, grace and conviction from the moment you announced your candidacy all the way until your moving concession speech. So many around this nation would love to thank you, so I would like to thank you personally, and on behalf of all off them.

First and foremost, thank you Hillary for never giving up. Your political career has seen its fair share of obstacles, but day after day, month after month, year after year, you kept fighting for an America that works for everyone. Thank you Hillary for being a champion for women, and showing little girls around the nation, and the world, that they can do anything they set their mind to. You may not have broken the toughest glass ceiling, but you have blown through countless others over your career. Thank you Hillary for never backing down in the face of a bully who wants to divide us. Thank you Hillary for standing up for what’s right even when it wasn’t popular, and being willing to evolve your views over the years. Thank you Hillary for fighting for minorities who all too often are overshadowed and under-appreciated. Thank you Hillary for acknowledging the contributions of citizens with disabilities. Thank you Hillary for fighting for human rights all around the world. Thank you Hillary for going high, time after time, when the competition went low. Thank you Hillary for choosing a running mate who loves this country as much as you do, and will carry on your fight in the United States Senate. Thank you Hillary for handling defeat with class, and challenging us all to carry on this revolution of love and acceptance. Most of all, thank you Hillary for running a campaign that allows me to proudly and loudly proclaim “I voted for Hillary Clinton.”

We may not have won the battle, but we will win the war. Love still trumps hate. We are still stronger together. And now, more than ever, I will still say “I’m with her.”


The People Who Believe In An America For Everyone

Editor’s Note: All articles for Her Campus at the University of Utah are the opinions and beliefs of the writers and do not reflect Her Campus at the University of Utah, the University of Utah or Her Campus as an international magazine.

Business major at the University of Utah. Politics fanatic. 
Her Campus Utah Chapter Contributor