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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Utah chapter.

It is that time of year again, everyone. It is time to set our clocks back once again for Daylight Saving Time.  On November 6th, at 2:00 a.m., every state, with the exceptions of Arizona and Hawaii, will set their clocks back and we will see the sun set much earlier as the winter comes upon us. Luckily, in the fall, we gain an hour of sleep, unlike in the spring, where we lose an hour.

The proposal to change our clocks twice a year dates back to Benjamin Franklin in 1784, where it was suggested that people would save more on candles and get out of bed because the sun had woken them up. It has been discussed that Daylight Saving Time actually saves energy and that is why we continue to participate in it. Many people are not convinced. And if it really does save energy, then why don’t we participate in it all year long? A study showed that DST did, in fact, save 1.3 Terawatt-hours on electricity savings- about one-third of one percent of the total electricity consumption over one year. Not really a whole lot.

Not only does DST save a minimal amount of energy, it also causes a lot of health problems for those who do participate in it. A loss of one hour of sleep actually can cause a lot more issues than most would believe. In fact, DST has led to the chances of a stroke being increased by eight percent two days after, according to the American Academy of Neurology. DST also make the risk of a heart attack much more likely, a very scary fact.

Aside from these health risk factors, DST has also caused problems in sleeping patterns, leading to problems in our daily performances overall. When we lose an hour of sleep in the spring because of DST, it potentially causes may more problems than just being in a bad mood. In fact, the lack of sleep has led to more injuries in the school/workplace, more automobile accidents, and has ultimately affected people’s decision making. Yet, we still continue to participate in DST, knowing the health risks and problems that we are faced with.

So, again, why do we participate and what is seeming to be quite pointless? Utah, in particular, has argued against DST for a few years. Bills have been made to completely get rid of DST in Utah, just like Arizona and Hawaii. Lawmakers have acknowledged the fact that Utahns are not in favor of DST, however, they find other things more important at this particular time. The most recent bill, in 2015, was rejected by the Utah State Legislature.

For now, it seems as if we are stuck with the dreaded DST, and most likely won’t be getting rid of it anytime soon. So, we fall back once again this November and will spring forward again in the spring next year. Just remember that sleep is important for your health and daily performances. We will have to continue to attempt to catch up on our sleep, as if we don’t need to already.

Her Campus Utah Chapter Contributor