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Charlie Kelly Moments We Can All Relate To

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Utah chapter.

We all can relate Charlie Kelly from It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia. I don’t think I’m exaggerating when I say he is the best part of that show. 



When you’re wanting a new tinder picture.

When the stress of finals are really getting to you. 

When you’re trying to convince someone else that you are a pretty awesome person. 

When you want to show off all the squats you have been doing.

When you’re determined to stick to your carb only diet. 

When you have accepted your fate as a cat person.

When you’re trying to convince your friends that they are doing a great job. 


When you’re double checking all your important life choices.

Keep on doing you, you weirdo. 


Proud owner of a Hulu Plus account, Netflix, and HBO Go with none in my name. 
Her Campus Utah Chapter Contributor