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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Utah chapter.

The COVID-19 pandemic has taught me a lot over the past two years, including how important it is to treasure the people in my life and to cherish each and every moment. If you’re like me, casually floating through University, not necessarily thinking about huge life events (other than graduating), then you may understand where I’m coming from when I say that I’m a bit lost. I don’t know what it is, but for the past two years, half of my Instagram feed is filled with friends from high school getting married, traveling the world, or settling down and having kids. From the outside looking in, it’s almost as if everyone is moving onto the next stage of their life and I’m here waiting for my turn. I’ve noticed that I’ve started to compare my timeline to those around me, wondering if I’m doing something wrong and need to be actively searching for a significant other or for a new lifestyle. Maybe you’re in the same boat as me, where you’ve begun to feel the vexatious pressures of society and social media. If that’s the case, this is for you. This is for us. I get how hard it is to resist the urge to compare your timeline to those you see on your Instagram feed, but I’m here to remind you that wherever you are in life is where you are meant to be. 

girl on roadtrip
Photo by averie woodard from Unslpash
Just take a minute and hear me out. Take your time. Stop comparing yourself to those around you. At this point, it doesn’t matter if you have no clue what to do after college or if you’re single and watching from the sidelines as people around you tie the knot. What matters is that you’re only living for yourself and you’re happy with who you are and where you are. We’re lucky enough to still be here living life, so why live a life you don’t want? I know it doesn’t sound easy, but recognize that everyone has different goals in life, and it doesn’t make sense to compare your current stage of life to the one your friends or peers may be in. We all have different starting points and we all will have different finish lines, so why waste your time and your sanity worrying about how people are going to look at you? You have your whole life ahead of you to settle down and get a 9-to-5 job. We’re young and just starting our individual voyages into the craziness that is our world. This is the time to be doing things you love and figuring out who you want to be as an individual.


Now more than ever we need to live in the moment and just let ourselves be free of the pressure society puts on us. I don’t care if you’re getting married or if you’re in an imaginary relationship with the dude from Bridgerton; I don’t care if you’re starting a family or if you’re still living at home with your parents. Be someone who lives each day like it’s your last and stop pushing yourself to be somewhere you aren’t ready for! You are young, beautiful, intelligent, and powerful, and you don’t owe anyone an explanation as to why you aren’t where they are. Focus on yourself and do what makes you happy. We only get to live one life and this pandemic has shown us all just how fragile that life can be. Mark off those things on your bucket list and don’t worry about what people think, it’s not worth it. Take things day by day and don’t worry if people are reaching milestones that you haven’t yet. It doesn’t mean you aren’t successful or don’t have your priorities in order, all it means is that you are living your life free of these time-shackles and you’ll get there whenever it is right. I don’t know if I’m going to be a guest at weddings for the next 10 years or the ‘fun aunt’ for the next 15, but what I do know is that I’m not going to rush myself and settle for less than I’m worth, and I hope you won’t either.  

Sakina is currently double majoring in International Studies and Health & Kinesiology. She enjoys spending time with family and friends, night drives with good music, and playing with her preschool class!
Her Campus Utah Chapter Contributor