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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Utah chapter.

Big-Little Week is like the Super Bowl of sorority crafting events. Behind all of the glitter, hot glue, and modge podge, there is a sorority girl trying to make perfect, “sratty” gifts that will make her Little fall in love with her. During the days leading up to Big-Little week future Big’s will experience a sense of pride, a few tears, and a lot of frustration. Whether your crafts get confused with a preschoolers finger painting or you are the queen of crafting, here are 5 DIY gifts that you have to craft for your perfect Little.  

1. Pin Box

One of the easiest and most useful things to craft for you little is a pin box. Pin boxes come in various shapes and sizes and can be found at most craft stores. Whether you paint, glitter, or modge podge your pin box, it is the best way to keep your new member and active pin safe and sound.

2. Memory Jar

What’s Big-Little week without something sappy and sentimental? Making a memory jar for your little gets her excited for all the fun memories the two of you will make together. This fairly simple craft only requires a mason jar, paint, and a ribbon if you’re feeling fancy. In the jar include papers for your little to write her favorite memories down on to store in her jar, then she can look back and remember how perfect you are.

3. Letter

If your Little ever wants to live in your sorority house, it is a must that she has a letter to put on her door. Making the perfect letter can be achieved by simply modge podging adorable paper onto letter, hot gluing on some flowers or a bow, and glittering the edges. Your Little can keep her letter hung on her wall or door long after her collegiette years are over.

4. Baked Sharpie Mugs

One of the best deals you can find at the dollar store are mugs! Baked sharpie mugs are one of the least expensive crafts you will ever make your Little. You can draw any design on your mug with a sharpie, and there are tons of ideas on Pinterest if you get in a crafting slump. After designing your mug place it in the oven at 425 degrees for 30 minutes. When your mug is cooled fill it with your Littles favorite hot drink mix.

5. Your Collegiette State

Nothing will make your little feel at home like a canvas painting or wood cut out of your collegiette state. You can fill your state with cute patters or glitter, and a heart over your college town. This is the place where you and your little met and became obsessed with each other, so it will always hold a special place in your heart.

Big-Little week is basically the Christmas in sorority world, playing Santa for a week is thrilling, but nothing will ever top the moment your little jumps into your arms for the first time. No matter how well your crafts turn out, your Little will still adore you, and that’s what truly matters. 

Taylor Swift isn't a major so I guess Human Development and Family Studies will have to do. All I want in life is for T - Swift to know that we are BFF's, a closet full of Kate Spade, and an endless supply of Chick-Fil-A. Until I find a magic genie to grant my three wishes I'll stick with working for a non-profit, doing a ridiclious amount of online shopping, and being obsessed with my sorority. 
Her Campus Utah Chapter Contributor