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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Utah chapter.

The moment when you run out of your favorite food item at home, want to make a special treat for a friend, or craving something delicious, you realize that you have to go grocery shopping.  Grocery shopping can be very hectic, exhausting, and time consuming, especially for those that do not come prepared.  Therefore, here are some common thoughts that run through your mind during this dreaded time:


1. I am ready to buy some food! Woot woot!

2. It is freezing in here.

3. I always forget a jacket.

4. Hmmm what do I need?

5. I am going to try to eat healthy.

6. OMG there are my favorite chips!

7.  It is organic, so it is healthy right?

8. I should have made a list beforehand.

9. I  do not need any of these things.

10. I am broke.

11. Why is everything so expensive?

12. I will definitely eat these bananas before they go bad.


14. I should try to actually cook a meal.

15. Nah frozen pizza it is.

16. You can never have too much macaronic n cheese.

17. Are the samples there yet?

18. This is making me hungry.

19. I will just buy the items on sale and save money.

20. How did my cart get so full?

21. Do I really need all of this stuff?

22. I am done, no more food.

23. How has an hour passed by already?

24. Why are the lines so long right when I need to check out?

25. WTF vegetables are expensive!

26. That is a higher price than I wanted to see.

27. Shoot, I forgot something, of course.

28. I hate grocery shopping.

29. This better last me a very long time.

30. I will probably have to come back next week.


Her Campus Utah Chapter Contributor