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10 Things Any Pessimistic Girl Can Relate To

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Utah chapter.

“Be more optimistic!” How about no? I don’t want to be and I can’t be, if we’re being real. I can’t control my natural way of looking at situations, people, places, objects…well, from the pessimistic side. These are the 10 things every girl who is a pessimist will relate to: 


1. Immediately worrying about all the ways something could go wrong. 


2. Telling yourself after anything you’ve done that you “could have” done better. 


3. Trying to explain to people that you are not a pessimist, you are a realist. 



4. Instantly relating to Sadness from Disney Pixar’s Inside Out. 


5. #NoNewFriends is actually your motto. 


6. Setting a goal is just a starting point. The minute you reach it you know you could achieve something better. 


7. The reaction you have when someone says being pessimistic is terrible. 


8. When too many optimistic people are crowding your space. 


9. The instant hatred you feel for a person when they tell you to be positive. 


10. Denying anything “The Secret” says you need to be successful and happy.



Dreaming of living in the big apple and working at rockefeller center. Not ashamed to own and love the Kim Kardashian Selfie book. Feminist by nature, pessimistic by choice and proud of it. 
Her Campus Utah Chapter Contributor