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10 New Years Resolutions You Can Stick To

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Utah chapter.

After last night, we all feel the pressure of getting our butts into gear after the fun (mistakes) we made while ringing in the New Year. How do this? RESOLUTIONS! We all have had the typical “Work out”, “Eat healthy”, “Save money”, “Get better grades” type of resolutions. But resolutions don’t have to be big acts, but instead they can be small steps that will potentially lead you to the big payoff!

1. Work out. I know you all want that body that looks like you live your life in the gym. Start with 50 jumping jacks and 25 crunches before every shower and even leg lifts while you’re Keeping Up with the Kardashians. Then you can even work up to 5 or 10 minutes with your “sworkit” exercise app then TO THE GYM! You could even invite a friend or a not-so-good friend and do it together. Remember, it’s a marathon not a sprint, people.

2. Eat healthier. Start by not grabbing the 3rd piece of cake. 2nd piece is fair game. But most importantly, have variety! Shop on the outside of the store and check out a food pyramid, it’s a surefire way to eat healthier and feel better. YOU GOT THIS.

3. Put your phone away at the table. “Me? Pfft. I don’t do that, so I can skip this one.” *Says to self while reading this article at the table* You’ll be pleasantly surprised at what conversation can come up if you just lock away your virtual world for a while.

4. Give compliments. You know that feeling you get when someone compliments you? Especially over something you are self-conscious about? Well, others get the same feeling! So don’t be stingy on spreading some flattery. By spreading positivity and love, you’re bound to get some confidence boosting comments along the way! 

5. Do something for somebody else once a month. Is your neighbor 91 years old? Is it snowy outside? Grab a shovel and shovel their walk or take up their garbage cans without expectation of acknowledgment. You’ll still feel good about yourself and brighten someone’s day!

**Please note, said neighbor does not have to be 91 or even a neighbor in order to do something nice.


6. Donate clothes. Fill one garbage bag, or more as long as you won’t be left with only one sock, with clothes and take them to a local secondhand store to sell. Sell what you can and donate the rest. You’ll get some cash, clean out the clutter AND donate all in one day! Do this once a season.

7. Pick up one new hobby. Volunteering? Skiing? Crafting? Gymming? Netflixing? Whatever you choose make it something you enjoy and could do with a friend!

8. Make a “What I’m Thankful For” journal. Keep this journal by your bed and every morning write two things you are thankful for. This will make you truly appreciate things you haven’t before.

9. Save up for something you really want. Grab a mason jar and fancy it up with a tag labeling “My (insert-wanted-thing-here) Fund.” Throw pocket change and a couple bucks a week in your jar and in no time you’ll reach your goal!

10. Take time for yourself. Take time everyday to do something you love. This will ultimately lead to a happier you!


No matter what your resolution is, start small. Small steps in the right direction plus keeping track of progress will make resolutions stick!

Her Campus Utah Chapter Contributor