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P.E.A.C.E. Alternative Spring Break

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Tampa chapter.

The stress of planning a perfect break can be very overwhelming, so don’t, instead, let the P.E.A.C.E Alternative Break program plan it for you.  The Peace Alternative Break program is a great opportunity to enjoy a trip, meet new people that share your same passions, and to learn more about how to become an active citizen. 

This spring break I had an amazing opportunity to experience the way this program works for myself and let me tell you, it was amazing!  My group went to Baltimore, Maryland to learn about sustainable agriculture practices as well as learning about food scarcity in urban areas.  Our activities included working on urban farms, meeting with the Humane Society and D.C. Central Kitchen, volunteering in the Maryland Food Bank, and we also spent a day in Washington, D.C. to explore.

Every Alternative Break has a different social issue it addresses as well as explores different locations all around the world.  So, when you go to plan for your next break, either go visit the wonderful P.E.A.C.E office or go to Orgsync for more information on application details as well as dates and times.  

Hi, I'm Chanel. I'm a Sophomore at the University of Tampa with a major in Public Health. I laugh at horror movies, don't understand romantic movies, and cry during documentaries. I am vegetarian, but I will make an exception for pepperoni pizza rolls because the plain cheese are just plan disgusting. I dream of owning a cuddly pet chicken and a tiny home. Hm... I also enjoy torturing myself by spending an hour and half in a 105 degree room to practice Bikram Yoga. That is all.