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A Valentines Spent with the Gals

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at USFSP chapter.



Valentine’s Day sucks when you’re single, admit it. You don’t get flowers, you don’t get chocolate. At least not from a significant other. This year, my roommates showered me with gifts, but it wasn’t the same.

The night before the dreaded “Singles Awareness Day,” I saw guys walking what seemed like hours around tables of flowers trying to decide what would be best for their significant others. What chocolate they would devour and what stuffed animal they would squeeze.

The feeling of being wanted and loved is something that doesn’t suffice from your family. You want to share the day with a partner, no matter how materialistic it has become.

The reality is though, this year I spent it without a man in my life, just like the first 20 other years before 2018.

Instead, I loaded up on snacks and drinks and suddenly Valentine’s Day turned into Galentines day. Who needs a man when you’re surrounded by your best friends? ME. Add in some homemade chocolate covered strawberries, pizza, wine, and you got yourself a party.

Turn on your lit Spotify playlist and suddenly you find yourself dancing in your dorm room kitchen taking swigs straight from the wine bottle.

Not going to lie, I still felt lonely. Time to call up your local GBF (gay best friend) for a quick cuddle sesh. It won’t fulfill your needs but feeling the warm embrace of someone around you is just enough for the time being.

Valentine’s Day 2019 is right around the corner. So listen up gents, I’m SINGLE!



Vanessa Rivera

Hey, I'm Vanessa! Im a senior at USFSP majoring in Mass Communications. I hope you enjoy my writing that will be about literally anything and everything. My goal after college is to find a career in the entertainment or music industry. To make that happen, I'm currently planning a big move from sunny Florida to sunny California! Follow me on my journey through my writing, enjoy!
A Mass Communications Major with a passion for inspiring others.