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Self-Care: Giving the Best of You, Rather Than the Rest of You

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at USFSP chapter.

With trending social media posts of colorful bath bombs and yoga in the park, it’s easy to get caught up in the notion of self-care as being a cookie cutter operation, or a “follow-these-steps-and-you’ll-be-happy” type of deal. Fortunately, self-care is abstract and will differ upon the individual. Self-care is not a new concept, by any means, and is not a one time thing; it is a lifestyle.


Self-care isn’t always time alone, either; self-care, although equally important to every individual, simply requires lavishing yourself in anything contributing to your health and wellness. For some, such lavishing is reading a book for leisure in the evenings, while others may find comfort in tacking on an extra mile in their daily run.


Life can be demanding and we sometimes allow everyday stresses to fog our brains and forget about what is truly important, which is our happiness and well-being. If you were sick with the flu, would you consult a doctor about healing, or would you shrug it off as being “normal” because ‘everyone gets the flu’? The same goes for self-care and our mental health– neglecting ourselves of those things that make us happy in life can lead to a multitude of negative consequences including anxiety, depression, and fatigue.


Although there are many misconceptions surrounding self-care and all that it entails, perhaps there is one major misconception hindering our ability to create a lifestyle involving self-care as a part of a constant routine:


Self-care may be defined as many different things, depending on the individual, but self-care, for certain, is not selfish.


When you take the time to care for yourself, you are building upon what you are able to contribute to your surroundings. Whether those contributions be in relationships with others, educational goals, a job/career, or even a hobby, you simply cannot give forth 100% when you have not taken the time for yourself to do things you enjoy.


It’s time we begin to put ourselves first and, in doing so, contribute selflessly to the things that matter in life. There is absolutely nothing wrong with taking the time to understand yourself on a much deeper level– make changes, spend time alone, vary your routine; do whatever you need most to reach a higher level of understanding of yourself.


And remember,


“You can’t pour from an empty cup. Take care of yourself first.”



A Mass Communications Major with a passion for inspiring others. 
Annie is a social media writer for USF St. Petersburg Marketing and Communications Department. She is majoring in Sociology and Criminology and minoring in Psychology and Leadership. "If we did all the things we are capable of, we would astound ourselves." - Thomas Edison