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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at USFSP chapter.

For those of you who do not know who The Frights, they are a post 2000’s punk band that formed early 2012. This is just so happens to be the third time that I have seen The Frights, and I have yet to be disappointed. I’m a music enthusiast, so when I get the chance to see any of my favorite bands I end up crying and experiencing emotional bliss. The experience of seeing someone live is like no other, it’s so fun and freeing. It adds a another layer when you see someone you’ve been listening to for so along and  relate to so much; don’t even get me started about them being seven feet away from you. Artist have such an unique power of their fans and they don’t always have to wield that power responsibility. Mikey Carnevale is the lead singer of The Frights, and is one of the most humble artists that I’ve ever experienced. For instance, Mikey spotted a girl in the crowd last night who was screaming that is was her birthday, without thinking he wishes her happy birthday, like it’s no big deal. Not even a second later he states that she doesn’t have to cry, he doesn’t understand or realize how long that this girl has probably been listening to their music, and he probably doesn’t get that she’s probably experienced her highs and lows with them. It doesn’t matter what point she was at, she just knows that she was listening to a Frights album and that’s all that matters.




I listened to the Frights when I was at my lowest point, I listened to the lyrics and I directly applied them to my life. I attached the way I felt, to the song that I was listening to, I cry at concerts because each and every one of the concerts that I have been to are placed with a different emotion at that point of my life and it brings me back to those feelings. The energy at The Frights concert was high, most people were stage diving, and screaming the lyrics to their favorite song. Just behind me were my best friends swaying with people they had just met, it was a perfect sight to see. That’s why I adore live music, it brings people that have only just met closer, they were enjoying the music while enjoying everyone else surrounding them. So let’s make one thing clear, if you end up crying at a concert, you know it was a good one and you know that emotion was necessary.  


I'm a Freshman at University of South Florida St. Petersburg, and I'm a Journalist major. Writing is my passion and I love to hear and share thoughts that many people can relate with!
A Mass Communications Major with a passion for inspiring others.