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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at USFCA chapter.

As a college student, it can be difficult to keep track of deadlines, events, work schedules and even our moods. A bullet journal is the perfect way to organize your life especially if you are a visual person. Unlike a planner, a bullet journal is a method of personal organization that allows you to compile schedules, lists, doodles, diaries, etc. into one space. It can be used for just about anything! Not only is a bullet journal useful for organization, but it is also useful for recording memories, accomplishments and goals that can be easily forgotten about. 

So, what are you waiting for? Get your pens, markers, stickers, and ruler out! You do not have to wait until the start of a new year to start a bullet journal. Each moment counts and trust me when I say you will not regret starting now. Bullet journaling is such a personal thing and there is no one right way of doing it which is why I love it so much. There are many different types of things you could incorporate and below are a few that I recommend as an avid bullet journaler. 

Monthly and Yearly Recaps

Depending on how much time you are willing to devote to your bullet journal, or “bujo” for short, you can do monthly or yearly recaps. This would be in a diary or letter format where you write about the overall vibe you got from the month, big events, accomplishments, worst moods and some overall reflections. Although it might not be as exciting to write in the moment, it is rewarding when you read back a few months or even years from now! Being able to reflect on the amount of growth and change you have experienced is seriously  amazing and  brings back old memories you would have forgotten about otherwise.Additionally, it is quite therapeutic to write  out absolutely anything you want knowing that no one will read it.


Track all your habits all in one place. If you are motivated by the act of crossing things off or seeing things accumulate overtime, a tracker is the perfect implementation for your bujo. You could track all sorts of things like finances, moods, chores, food or water consumption, and the amount of hours you sleep for example. Presenting your tracker in a chart format is the most effective way to keep yourself organized while making it easy to read. Tracking your habits can help you to become more aware of your daily actions and physically see where you are in reaching your goals. Looking back at your habit trackers in a few months or years is fascinating, to be able to see how your habits have changed or stayed consistent! It is definitely a great way to stay on track to meet your goals.

Favorites Page

Your favorites and obsessions are important. Obsessions often come and go and it is so fun looking back at what you were raving about back in the good old days. Topics can include food, clothing items, tech gadgets, songs, hobbies, inspirational quotes and travel destinations. Making a favorites page on my most listened to songs is most entertaining to me because music has a special way of bringing me back to a certain time in my life. It makes me feel nostalgic every time. I had a whole page filled with songs I would listen to freshman year of college on the way to class and looking back at this page and listening to these songs again brought back all my freshman year feels.

Bucket Lists

We all have those moments where we quite literally do not know what to do whether it be that day or for an upcoming break! That is why bucket lists are so crucial! Write a list of things you want to do in your near future and lifetime. It can be something big like going on vacation to a different country or as small as watching a specific movie you have been meaning to watch. Bucket lists help me to get  excited and hopeful about life when I read all the things I tell myself I want to do in life. Then, once you slowly start to do the things on your bucket list, just go back and check it off. There is nothing more satisfying than crossing off each bullet point one-by-one. Making annual bucket lists has helped me to create the best highlights and memories of the year. You will look back and know that you did all that you could!

Bullet journals are like scrapbooks, except it is more personal because it is about more than just the photos. Things like bullet journals, diaries and scrapbooks are one of the most valuable things because no money could ever buy you these special memories that you recorded for yourself. Your future self will thank you for creating these things to look back at. So start now! Start collecting those old plane tickets, print out some photos, write out your thoughts and make to-do lists all in one journal. Also do not forget to add in a few doodles and sketches here and there whenever you feel like you need a place to spill out your creativity. Bullet journaling is a way of life so have fun while you are at it!

Kayla is a third year Communications Studies major and General Business minor and the Marketing and Publicity Director for the USFCA Chapter of Her Campus. She loves lifestyle content and hopes to contribute related content in her articles. Outside of school and work, you can find her watching sunsets at the beach, scrolling on Pinterest, or rewatching an old episode of FRIENDS.
MaryCate (she/her) is a graduate of the University of San Francisco with a BA in International Studies. MaryCate is now a Master's student at Sciences Po in Paris, France studying European Affairs and Global Health.