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What to Do if You’re Getting Gaslighted

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at USF chapter.

There comes a moment in every woman’s life where you meet this guy, and all is going well; he says he loves you, you hang out often, you make time for each other — until your gut makes you look through his phone. You find out the truth, and things start to go south, and before you realize it, you’re questioning everything that’s happened and who you are. This is called gaslighting.

Daria Shevtsova via Pexels
Gaslighting is essentially when someone manipulates you to the core, makes you question your sanity and more. I’ve been through it, you might go through it, you may have been through it, and I just want to help you before and during it. My own story was kind of normal, now that I know what gaslighting is like. However, at the time, I genuinely thought, “Maybe I am insane.” 

I dated a guy who made me feel like the world and so comfortable. Sure, there were plenty of moments where red flags were being waved in my face and I ignored them, and he basically hated everyone I was associated with, but I was so enticed by the relationship that I didn’t care.

It wasn’t until I had the gut-wrenching feeling to look through his phone and found the truth of all of his infidelity. I was in horror, and at first, he felt sorry, but then he never apologized, and sooner or later, I was the crazy one.

woman in dark
Jario Alzate via Unsplash
I simply don’t want this to happen to you, and if it’s happening to you right now, knock it off and take my advice!

  • STOP ignoring the red flags! There is a reason your friends can see them, and you are aware they are there too.

  • STOP ignoring your friends and their concerns for you. You wouldn’t let this happen to them, so why are you letting it happen to you?

  • STOP feeling like you’re the crazy one. He/she has problems, not you. You’re doing everything right.

  • STOP feeling like your life is going to end. The person meant for you is 100% out there, and Brad making you feel inadequate is not it!

  • STOP letting them manipulate you. Your feelings are valid and you have every right to feel the way you do.

self care isn\'t selfish
Madison Inouye via Pexels

  • START encouraging your friends to speak up, and you need to speak up too.

  • START distancing yourself and start making yourself a priority.

  • START replenishing your mental and emotional wellbeing. I understand this is tough, but you’re tougher.

  • START spending more time in your girl group. They’ll be hard on you at first, but it’s only because they love you.

slumber party
Retha Ferguson via Pexels
Just remember: You’ve got this, you’re a tough, beautiful and proud lady, and YOU DO NOT NEED NO MAN WHO WILL GASLIGHT YOU!


I'm Brianna, Brie for short; but you can basically call me anything. I am a Health Science major here at USF and am looking to broaden my horizons and let my creative soul flow. My birthday is January 20; I am a cusp baby, I fall between Capricorn and Aquarius, and the definition of Aquaricorn is the most accurate representation of me I have ever read. I have been involved in collaging, painting, and crafting my entire life. There wasn't a time when my room didn't have stickers or paints everywhere. As a teenager, I lined the walls of my room in Teen Vogue pages and made the ultimate vision board. I love to read and if anything catches my eye, I research it! Be prepared for many articles that are all over the grid. I am a very fun, enthusiastic, and spirited person that loves to meet people, know their story, and figure out who I can leave a little sparkle in their life. I have never had a problem with talking about how I feel or what I like, so there will never be a dull moment when it comes to what I say or write. P.S. My three favorite things are the color yellow, books, and fireworks/flowers. Fireworks are basically flowers in the sky to me.