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Wellness Wednesday: How to Stay Fit While You Travel

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at USF chapter.

The countdown to winter break begins, collegiettes™!

USF provides students with a wonderful, state of the art rec center that offers classes and more equipment than a student could imagine. However, winter break can be a painful separation for gym-junkies. Don’t stress though! The break doesn’t mean you have to become a couch potato. There’s relatively simple workouts, with little to no equipment needed, that you can do at home, a hotel room, or wherever your travels take you.

Sneakers are all you need sometimes. Running outside, especially wintertime in Florida with wonderful weather, is a great way to keep healthy. If you’re not up for running, a brisk walk, casual stroll on the beach or hiking trip are fantastic ways to keep the heart rate up.

Both of these exercises can be completed in your neighborhood or local park, and quite simply accomplished on a vacation as well. A great way to sneak exercise into your vacation is to walk instead of drive or take public transit. Walking is also a great way to see the sights!

If there’s a rainy day or if you live out of state where snow covers the streets and makes running less desirable, there are several ways to work out indoors. Tips on dorm room workouts can be applied to your home or hotel rooms as well. Ab series can be completed with a workout mat. Yoga and pilates are another series of exercises than can be completed in a small room with minimal equipment requirements. If you’re not familiar with yoga or pilates, head over to Youtube to search through hundreds of workouts, ranging in time and intensity.

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I am a sophomore Elementary Education major at USF! My ultimate goal is to teach abroad after I graduate and make quality education more accessible. Otherwise, I am a vegetarian, beginner yogi, curly haired girl who enjoys laughing at her own jokes.
Lover of all things Disney, Star Wars, Marvel, Harry Potter and fashion. Junior. Mass Communication major. Disney Cast member. Aspiring writer.