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Ways to Incorporate Self-Care Practices During Midterms

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at USF chapter.

So, midterms are here, and assignments are beginning to pile up. Our schedules are booked with club meetings, study time, and homework time, all while trying to maintain our social lives. With so much going on, we often forget to take care of our mental wellbeing and prioritize some self-care time. Here are some ways to incorporate self-care practices throughout your busy routine to help you be the best that you can be.

Take 5 deep breaths

We are not machines. We can’t run around all day (physically or mentally) without taking some downtime. If you don’t have time to meditate or expend some steam, allow yourself to rest by taking 5 deep breaths. This is quick and can be done anywhere. Spending a few minutes to let yourself pause will allow you to reset before going onto your next task. Your brain and body will thank you.

Don’t forget to nourish your body!

We have all been guilty of forgetting to eat and drink water, especially when all of your brain power is used to study for your next exam. That snack from the vending machine does not count as a meal! Make sure to set some time in your schedule so that you can grab a quick bite. Meal prep during the weekend if you don’t have time to cook or can’t grab something in your university dining hall. Also, make sure you have a water bottle or cup you can refill and bring it with you everywhere you go!

Congratulate yourself

All accomplishments, big or small, are worthy of praise. It can be getting out of bed today and attending class, completing an overdue assignment, or even just making it through the day. Be proud of yourself. Tell yourself you’re proud of yourself and treat yourself to a reward.

Do your skincare routine!

Sometimes I skip my skincare routine because I am lazy, but it causes more harm than good. I usually wake up the next day with a big pimple on my cheek. Doing your skincare routine allows you to take care of your body while also giving you time to reflect. As you stare at yourself in the mirror and rub in your serums, recite some affirmations. In the morning, it could be “I will have a good day today.” while at night it could be “I am grateful for my day today.”

Say no.

Yeah, you read that right. Don’t be afraid to say no. If your friends want to hang out with you but you just don’t have the time, don’t be afraid to let them know. You don’t want to overcommit yourself and take on too many tasks when you know you already have something to do. Your friends won’t stop being your friends just because you have to skip out on hanging out. This also applies in a variety of situations whether it’s a last-minute meeting or a big project.

I hope this helps! Remember, it’s okay to take breaks. If you need to skip out on a day, it doesn’t mean the world is over. Give yourself time to breathe, eat, and maintain your priorities. What are some ways you practice self-care? 

Serena is an aspiring Medical student majoring in Biology with a concentration in Medical Biology. She has written for most of her life, earning a Silver Medal along with numerous Gold and Silver keys from the Scholastics Art and Writing Awards, publication for her poetry, as well as performed a spoken word piece at the Adrienne Arsht Center in Miami. Most of her work centers around her identity as a Filipino Mestizo. Usually, you'll find her sipping on an iced matcha latte, experimenting with different foods, and exploring the places around her. Check her out on Instagram: @SerenaLozandi