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Top 3 Games for Party Night

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at USF chapter.

Parties are great, but what do you do if there is an awkward silence or dull moment? Make sure there are games to get people involved! Here are three perfect games for any type of party.

1.     Jenga

Jenga is PERFECT for parties with any number of people. Parties tend to be filled with clumsiness, spills and falls, when this is combined with a game that requires stability, hilarity is bound to ensue. Plus, there are many varieties that you can purchase or make yourself.

2.     Werewolves

While this game does require at least eight people, it is the perfect game to pit friends against each other and let the underhanded schemes begin. In Werewolves the townsfolk are trying to rid the town of werewolves before all the townsfolk die. Each night the werewolves choose someone to kill and each day the townsfolk choose a person they think is a werewolf. Between the debate and the laughter, this game ensures a good time.

3.     Never Have I Ever

This game is a great way to get to know the people you’re partying with. Never have I ever doesn’t involve buying a thing and often gets people to admit to doing things you may not have otherwise found out about. This game is a great way to break the ice and get people comfortable with each other quickly.