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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at USF chapter.

If you are like most people, meeting with a potential employer to get drilled with questions about your skills and accomplishments can be pretty terrifying. Even the most qualified of candidates have their moments when it comes to bombing interviews. Fortunately, there are a multitude of ways to mentally prepare yourself before stepping into that conference room. Here are a few that help me out.  

Look Your Best, Feel Your Best

The way we present ourselves to the world has a bigger impact than we think. You may be a “yoga pants and t-shirt, makeup-free everyday” kind of girl, and that is great. Liberating, even. However, putting more effort into your appearance has a psychological effect on you. You get a sense of pride in yourself, similar to the feeling an artist gets when they complete a painting. Do not be shy about going the extra mile with a dreamy eyeshadow look or a nice and appropriate outfit that makes you feel good about yourself. The confidence attained from your appearance will show through your interview answers and body language.

Photo courtesy of College Fashion

Be Assertive

Fake it until you make it is a real thing. When I walk into that interview with a “boss” attitude, firmly shake the employer’s hand with strong eye contact, and introduce myself before they can, I already feel 10x more like I belong there and that the position is destined for me. Being assertive goes past that, though. Although you are being interviewed, you should occasionally try to flip things around and become the interviewer, asking specific questions about the employer’s experiences and the job itself. Not only is it a power move, it also emphasizes your passion and willingness to learn about the position, and makes things feel more like a conversation rather than an interview.

Cheat (But Not Really)

It is not a crime to want to have every possible scenario planned out.  Doing a bit of research about what questions you might get asked before an interview is encouraged. If you are a seeking a marketing job, your best bet is to Google “marketing job interview questions” and take note of other people’s answers for inspiration. Do not try to be like someone else. Additionally, you should always be able to answer the statement “tell me about yourself” while relating it to the job position as much as possible.

Photo courtesy of Better Prospects

Watch Yourself

Studies have shown that rehearsing what you might say to an interviewer into a mirror, rather than on video, is proven to help you do better. During interviews, we tend to worry about how we sound, what we look like, how good our answer is, and how our future employer might be analyzing our words. In short, we overthink the unknown. Watching yourself and repeatedly practicing what you might say until it sounds ideal to you gives you a chance to wipe the brewing insecurities away prior to the interview. Being able to think to yourself ‘I know exactly how I’m going to sound/look/feel when I word this” is a key to killing your interview.

Give Thanks

You would be surprised to know that many employers have stated that they will reject candidates simply because they left the interview without thanking them. It seems a bit silly, but is understandable. Failing to do so is not only considered rude, but also makes it seem as though you do not care about getting the job. Thanking the interviewer for their time and opportunity to speak with them is crucial. You can even use this medium for one last chance to highlight why you are a good fit for the job.

Above all, take a deep breath and know that you have got this. You have the necessary qualifications, all that is needed is the confidence to market yourself in a way that shows it. Just keep these tips in your back pocket and you wil sail through each and every forthcoming interview.

Chioneso is a junior at the University of South Florida, with a major in Mass Communications and a concentration in Integrated Public Relations and Advertising. Her hobbies lie in exploring new places, foods and activities, as well as capturing/editing photos and videos.
Hey! My name is Leticia and I am the Campus Correspondents here at USF. I am graduating in MAY (omg) with a degree in Advertising and PR. I am originally from Brazil, needless to say, I LOVE the beach and being outside! I enjoy everything from make-up to fitness and sports. In my free time you can find me thrifting, playing photographer, or at home with my hubby binging Netflix.