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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at USF chapter.

I guess it’s safe to say that senioritis is kicking in. Even when I don’t want to do any work or study, and all I want to do is plan my summer trip and go to the beach, I’m so excited for graduation and the next chapter of my life but thinking about leaving the undergraduate student bubble is quite intimidating. I just know the month of April is going to fly by. With graduation prep, finals, work, and graduate school decisions, it feels like I’ll be walking across the stage tomorrow. 

Everyone will go their separate ways after graduation, so trying to spend as much time as possible with everyone and go to all the dinners and events will make April a bit chaotic. But it’s definitely the best type of stress to have. Senior spring semester is like no other. It’s not the same way high school works where you’re excited to go to college with your best friends. The spring semester is filled with excitement and toothy smiles, but it’s also filled with a lot of tears. You’re leaving your roommates and all the people you met the last four years; you’re leaving a campus that you called home. 

I don’t know what will happen in the next four weeks, but all I can do is make the best out of every class, no matter the stress level. I have to try my best to avoid burnouts and prioritize going to the gym, and occasionally read a book that isn’t a textbook. Lately, I’ve really been into using infrared saunas and going on runs, which I guess is good because my credit card cannot handle any more purchases. All I can hope for is a good ending to this chapter in my life.

Hi! I'm a junior with a psych major and a nutrition minor. I love to travel and meet new people. Feel free to follow me on instagram! @gabyytovarr