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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at USF chapter.

This week, Twitter blew up in response to a photograph taken of Amanda Seyfried sharing an intimate moment with her ex-boyfriend. While the photo was among the 500 photos leaked in 2014, it recently began trending again for an unknown reason. Twitter’s responses were, progressive, to say the least.

Photo courtesy of @DGMH via Twitter

Photo courtesy of @flavi_arela via Twitter

Despite the somewhat positive reaction, the actress herself was not happy about the image resurfacing. Her initial reaction, shown below, was deleted soon after being posted.

Photo courtesy of @AmandaSeyfried via Twitter

The image was initially leaked in 2014 as a part of what was later dubbed “The Fappening,” a time in which nude or otherwise inappropriate photos that were leaked of many celebrities, mainly women. When this first occurred, Jennifer Lawrence was one of the most outspoken of the victims, saying in an interview, “Anybody who looked at those pictures, you are perpetuating a sexual offense and you should cower with shame (Vanity Fair).

Photo courtesy of Vanity Fair

This issue, which has left many young women humiliated, is only a glimpse at the larger issue regarding women’s sexuality in American culture.

If you went to an American high school, odds are you have probably heard rumors about leaked nudes or even seen them yourself without having to look very far. One would assume that humans have more decency than to expose young women’s private lives into the public eye. Unfortunately, this lack of decency and mindset that women are not able to own their sexuality is still very prevalent throughout all of society.

What can we do about this? Stop perpetuating it. Most people’s first reaction would be to go looking for the photo when we hear that a celebrity’s nude photos are leaked. As Jennifer Lawrence pointed out, anyone who looks for these photos are only “perpetuating a sexual offense.” Allow celebrities, allow young women, allow everyone the privacy they deserve with their own personal pictures taken on their own phones. Regardless of whether the pictures were sent to another person, the photos should not be shared without permission of the person who took them.

So please, stop sharing Amanda Seyfried’s leaked photo.

I'm a junior at USF studying Integrated PR and Advertising. Writing has always inspired me and I love being able to use my platform to spread positivity and knowledge!
Hey! My name is Leticia and I am the Campus Correspondents here at USF. I am graduating in MAY (omg) with a degree in Advertising and PR. I am originally from Brazil, needless to say, I LOVE the beach and being outside! I enjoy everything from make-up to fitness and sports. In my free time you can find me thrifting, playing photographer, or at home with my hubby binging Netflix.